Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Baltimore Burns...YOU Pay !!!

Either in the very small print, or not at all, your daily fish wrapper might have reported that the first installment of the Baltimore riiot20 things that damage cost is coming due.

It's $20 million.

That's a hefty beginning, announced by the mayor who tweeted about visiting the businesses she "set aside" for the rioters to destroy.

The fact that the first installment of the arson and pillage tab is 20 HUGE ones is not the "dog-bites-man" news.

The news  is, she is going to send  "the bill" to FEMA !

That's right. Your tax money in the Federal  Emergency  Management Administration will pay for the damage the thugs did to the area chosen for "impact" by the witless Mayor.


Of course, this is just the beginning. In the People's State of Baltimore,, the land of Michalski and O'Malley, accountability is like PeeCee excrement.  Everybody is looking for the clean extension whereby to take hold. Ergo, no one does.

This is the way the vessel Maryland "works" and Baltimore is its over-weighted-keel that will soon take it under.

As Ozymandias said in the poem, "look around you and BEWARE".

You already paying for chaos. More will follow !