Monday, December 23, 2019

Shared Surprise

It seems we have left it a bit late, but I wish I could impart to all the tolerant readers of the blog how much it means to a crusty old "Hanger- on" to have you stick with me a bit longer than any of us could expect...OR predict.

I plead "No Mas"  when challenged about WHY  we still believe we are still relevant.

It IS relevant and important for everyone of us to wish one another "Merry Christmas" because when we do so in a thoughtful way, however subtly, we're joined in allegiance to the concepts of forgiveness and welcome and an ideal of a life that is valuable when we remember as often as we can to treat other people the way we would want to be treated.
There is no great vanity in a quest to offer a thought that may the new, an experience remembered from much travel and precious wisdom from many others.

Most of the joy of self-expression is not based on Ego or material reward but, rather in the unending  shared "Surprise by Joy" --- one of C.S.. Lewis' ecstatic mysteries.

Having one's life saved, enriched, and given meaning by so many noble people for so many years entitles us to acknowledge of  unearned blessings characteristic  of every pilgrim of Wonder  who still knows whereof we speak when we murmur... Or shout: