The Fact that 77% of the American population believes all sources of news are corrupt and regularly disseminates "fake news" might be shocking to some who have not been paying attention.
That this huge majority of content consumers has grown from 63% a year ago might be more surprising.
But, what dumbfounds those of us who watch the wire services and the "newspapers-of-record" and the alphabet networks along with CNN... Is that there is apparently still a little less than one fourth of us who do NOT accept media lies and corruption for what it is--- and what it is is, really, treachery most vile.
Nathaniel Church wrote:
Poll: 77 Percent Believe Traditional Media Guilty of Fake News
(breitbart) ^ | By NATE CHURCH
Posted on 4/4/2018, 7:07:51 AM by davikkm
According to a survey by the Monmouth University Polling Institute, the vast majority of Americans believe that mainstream media outlets report “fake news.” A whopping 77 percent of over 800 respondents relayed their distrust for major news organizations in both television and print — a marked increase from the 63 percent that was already skeptical a year ago. Of those, 31 percent believe it to be a regular occurrence, while 46 percent see it as a more occasional issue.
83 percent of those questioned believe that special interest groups intentionally seek to implant the mainstream news cycle with false information. Moreso, 87 percent believe that those same forces influence social media such as Facebook, as well as YouTube.
Suspicion is not divided along party lines, though differences still exist. While Republicans are most convinced of the media’s impure intentions, with a pervasive 89 percent distrusting mainstream news networks, Democrats are now 61 percent in agreement, up double digits from just 43 percent a year ago. Those not affiliated with either party maintain a healthy skepticism of their own. Last year, 66 percent of independent voters already distrusted the media. This year, it risen to 82 percent.
If I wasn't composing this, I would be asking a lot of questions. The first one would be "What took you so long ?!!"
The second would be, how does that 23% who still BELIEVE reporters, talking heads and "ankers" correlate with the blind, the deaf and/or the completely handicapped and unintended homeless lost in the echo chamber of CNN in the warm security of an airport waiting room or other institutional shelter.
One of the laymen's definitions for an unsound mind is its compulsion to try the same solution over and over again no matter how many failures one suffers. I've always wondered where sick denial leaves off and Nixonesque dementia begins.
Since it is humanly impossible to be rigidly rational and evenhanded when one is forcefed a conspiracy that offers nothing but untruths to buttress falsity , let us show mercy to this deceased equine and look to the future.
The question naturally arises, when will these miscreants take ownership of their sins and join those of us who have toiled through their waste ?
I can answer that. Never !