Thursday, July 26, 2018


If you are wondering why FACEBOOK is spiraling  out of existence you need look no farther than the content of this linked news story:

A large group of shareholders, media and gate-crashers gathered so  company spokesmen could  'splain why the stock is tanking and millions of users are cancelling.

One complainer suggested the cherry-picking  practice of choosing which liar to block or censor might be the reason.

The FACEBOOK bigshot replied that it was a natter of stature. 

He said "authentic" people could carry the burden of untruth !

THAT's the excuse for spreading and protecting liberal-socialist lies ?

Jake Tapper, Joy Reid and Kathy Griffin with her bloody Trump head are "authentic" ?  

Judge Andrew Napolitano  is not. Censor de Jedge !

I wish George Orwell coild see this...Here are his pigs who are MORE EQUAL than other pigs !

I hope this is an object lesson for all the weasels and shysters who have been flim-flamming the TV channels with Oink-Speeak.

Should we expect an Epiphany by / for the Masters of the Universe ?

Probably not. A wise historian once said "The Avenues of Progress Are Paved With Funerals..."