Monday, September 18, 2017

Always the HIDDEN

BREAKING NEWS:  The Australian, on Tuesday reported a primary group of Global Warming scientists have announced their "former" calculations are WRONG! They now say that warming is slower and "we may be able to stop it..."

When "Medidiots" raise hell about the United States pulling out of the "Paris Accord" on  man-made global warming, have you ever known them to mention money ?

Have you ever known them to quantify the "gas-emissions" restrictions imposed on the different countries under the  "Accords ?

Me, neither.

As this is written, empty-headed and clueless punditoids  scream about the present administration's  "contradictory" attitude as regards "Paris".

Just putting aside for the moment the fact that the previous administration illegally "agreed" to the international money pledge and emission controls without the advice and consent of the Congress, it is vital to remember that under the agreement the United States would be required to limit GG admissions to a level nearly four orders lower than China, where the GG admissions are more than three times those in the USA.

Obama also agreed to exorbitant payment of trillions of tax dollars over a period of years to come. This similarly, a monumentally exorbitant number compared to Chinese and Russian  penalties.

But the sly and cute feature of the Paris  Two-Step really lies in the amount of money American businesses as well as taxpayers would be required to expend to meet the unreasonable (and one could add unnecessary) "emission" restrictions..

THIS  punishing bloodletting would clearly give all the other nations (especially China) on the planet a huge advantage  in trade cosmetics and balance.

That is why the Dealmaker-in-Cief  has threatened to leave the accord (along with the fact that he is probably personally skeptical of the GW / CC  hoax,

Then, of course there is the looming Sausage Factory  "approval" by Congress. For you can be sure that unlike his predecessor, this president will submit whatever "accord"  comes our way with alacrity. It always comes down to a subversive conspiracy of  "Cherchez L'Agent" doesn't it ?

THIS JUST IN !!!   Charlie Daniels just  Tweeted that he would make a deal with Al Gore !!!  If Al will give up his swanky personal jet (bought with "warming" hoax money), Charlie will "talk to his cows about cutting down on their  flatulence !