Friday, January 27, 2006

A Black By Any Other Name...

Some idiot named "Self" who was running the campaign of a member of the ancient and honorable Scranton family, that claims birthright to the Pennsylvania governorship, has been fired "for cause".

He called Scranton's GOP primary opponent ""the REAL Rich White Guy" in the race !!!

He was talking about Lynn Swann.

Yes, THAT Lynn Swann. He of the chocolat-cafe'- au-lait epidermis, the cultured tones, gallant demeanor, four super bowl wins with the Steelers and NFL Hall of Fame credentials.

(He also serves on the corporate boards of Hershey and H.J. Heinz.)

I point this out here because you will NOT read it in your local fishwrapper, and it won't be on ESPN or CNN.

There is also another point to be made here.

If you want to be elected over an opponent, there are several things you must NOT call your opponent:



Tone Deaf




Pro-death penalty

Pro Academic freedom

Reciter or protector of Natural Law.

This is NOT, of course, because all the voting public is AGAINST these things. It is because the irrelevant Antique media hates these things, and will not "cover" anyone even accused of such apostatic allegiances.

And, certainly, one should NEVER scold an opponent for being "overly responsible" or "too involved in accountability issues". That was tried back in 2004.

The "accused" ...WON!!!

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

I M P O N D E R A B L E....

As many know, I consider myself a fellow-traveling Jew.

This dates back to the 1940's and my teens. At Emory, my "Christian" Greek letter fraternity, ATO was politically (and, lonesomely) aligned with the two Jewish fraternities (AEPi and TEPhi) in interfraternity council and other matters.

As a mentor, in my early years at Emory, my mentor on the Wheel and Campus publications was Teddy Levitas, (later a better dentist than he was then a sports writer). I was also very fond of his brother Elliot Levitas and his personal heroism in public office.

When President Harry Truman bulldozed the U.N. into recognizing Israel as a nation state, I had already been contributing my small pittance to Zionist causes.

I have never changed

Now, what I cannot understand is how Steven Spielberg and other Jews in America can make weasel-knees to the Islamofascists.

How can a Jew be a "liberal" in the United States today? Have they not ever read the roll of the 9 / 11 corpses from the Twin Towers?

What is it about "The Holocaust is a Myth" or "Erase Israel from the Map" they do not understand? me out here.
How can any Jew, son or grandson of Jews, regardless of how or whether they practice Judaism
take the passive, pacifist "liberal" ideology today ?

My Betts, who also was a Judeophile, used to ask her patients:

"What is the payoff for your self hating behaviour ???"

That’s what I'm asking all these Jews who still call themselves "liberals".

Whassamtaa You ????