Tuesday, August 08, 2017

Or Is It Fear ?

The mind rebels against holding the concept of liberal, progressive orthodoxy  engaging in apologetics and downright approval of Islamic law that requires honor killings of little girls raped and ritual mutilation of  female toddlers'  genitalia.
In a nation–- and in a time–- wherein every long-held aspiration of women has been accepted and fulfilled on almost every corner of our communities in the United States, it is fair and even vital that we ask ourselves what kind of Omni-Standard of approval can any subset of our society adopt to accept these bloody practices in the name of “diversity”.
It is not as though there are no legal restraints on butchery and murder of the innocent.
And there is a great deal of historical decision against evil doing camouflaged as religious activity. The wholesale slaughter by fire of “witches” in the pre-nation American colonies is well documented as are the legal redresses for such maniacal mass murder of innocent souls.
In this second decade of the 21st century, is it possible that some of our most permissible progressive rule-benders are  sowing the seeds of social destruction giving a pass to extremist zealots on track to obliterate the meaning of “America” ?

A faulty memory says  it was Edmund Burke who warned that bending one’s knee to a Zealot is fatal.  That might be the final consequence for a nation as well as for sweet innocence of heart.... Or craven  Fear.