Saturday, December 30, 2017

Sic Transit Opprobrium

There is nothing particularly heroic about recognizing dangerous drifts toward tyranny and anarchy by the entrenched bureaucrats.

It is a civic and national duty to uncover any plot that threatens a nation's traditions and foundations.

Therefore ket this be a confession that we care less about the personalities involved--- or the parties for that matter--- than we do about an existential and collegial  tradition that was once the 

formally emblematic practice of the United States.

That is, the peaceful  TRANSITION   from one administration to another after a momentous presidential election.

Not until the White House was trashed, computers and phones stolen and time-lapse sabotage inserted into the mix--- as George W. Bush sought to cement his squeaky victory over Al Gore in 2000--- was any appreciable hostility evoked in transition.  But even that incident was juvenile, sophomoric and mostly impersonal.

But it is the contention here that the most damage  wrought so far by the Mueller "Russiagate" inquiry and the unrelenting dishonest and evil- spirited behavior of formerly responsible print and broadcast media--- the worst wounds, which will last no one knows how long, are to the peaceful nature of partisan "changing of the guard".

For the offstage libeling of the candidate who would be elected chief magistrate of the United States began in the Spring of the political campaign of  2016 and that libel.... that monstrous lie was used as "evidence" to allow several agencies to operate surveillance including wiretapping of the campaign  and the exchange of more slander and libel within the agencies.

Then when almost immediately after his inauguration, the elected candidate told the American people he had been wiretapped by the previous administration, he was hooted  down by remnants still in the government, and branded as a paranoiac by an out-of-control and discredited majority in the print and broadcast media.

Again, the effort here is not to carry water for any winner or loser of any political contest but to illuminate severe damage done to the United States by weasels and subversives of legal process in a bogus  witch hunt. 

Presidents are mortal; they come and go. So do political parties and their administrations in the Capital rise and fall at the mercy of the electorate.

But, the prediction here is that the peaceful and civilized change from one "administration" to another will never be the same. That is the legacy of  Clinton-Obama versus Trump. And if this anarchy escalates in future transitions, the USA will be more affected by the deterioration of "Transition" than by any number of foreign intrigues and attacks.

Welcome to Corrine Brown;s FREDONIA ! ....Or, Samuel Butler's Erewhon.