Friday, October 27, 2017

Aroma of $$$$ or Stench of Race ?

Which matters more... Race or Money ?

We all had  an opportunity to come to some reasonable opinion about this question on Friday when Tiger Woods was sentenced to one year of probation for having been arrested while driving his Mercedes-Benz under the influence of, admittedly,  prescription drugs.

Woods did not plead guilty to DUI, but to a lesser charge of  "reckless driving".

This is a special deal for persons of importance in Palm Beach County, where prosecutors  allow persons with special connections in the posh area to take this route...even if a blood test is positive for drugs.

Punishment for driving under the influence of alcohol or controlled drugs is much harsher than Woods received.

So where do the legal elite of Palm Beach County position themselves in the 2017  maelstrom off the equality quest ?

I'm sure that the BLM membership in Ferguson, Missoiri, or Baltimore Maryland would agree that it is obviously not a  RACE deal. 

It's always a MONEY deal.