Tuesday, June 12, 2018
Our Dumb and Dumber
It is with heavy heart that we report on a story from The.Times of London that undergirds every suspicion held in this corner and by many of our friends and readers that our youngsters are dumb and dumber these days.
There is a caveat for the educationoids to hide behind: “Maybe the very NATURE of intelligence has changed since 1970...."
The yer 1975 is the benchmark year that this collection of “scholars” and auditors chose to be when people read books and talked to one another and learned math and languages in a traditional manner.
One of the remarkable findings was that the IQ scores of those who had a well-developed reading habit— whether they were mathematical “Brains” or not— scored with higher IQs.
(It has been discussed here before that modern architecture does not include plans for bookcases in "basic ordinary" houses— but just “on demand”!
The full story at the digital site of the T O L was blocked by a pay wall, but here is what was available to us:
The IQ scores of young people have begun to fall after rising steadily since the Second World War, according to the first authoritative study of the phenomenon.
The decline, which is equivalent to at least seven points per generation, is thought to have started with the cohort born in 1975, who reached adulthood in the early Nineties.
Scientists say that the deterioration could be down to changes in the way maths and languages are taught, or to a shift from reading books to spending time on television and computers.
“Yet it is also possible that the nature of intelligence is changing in the digital age and cannot be captured with traditional IQ tests. The turning point marks the end of a well-known but poorly understood thesis.”
With things the way they are in the real world of the government educationoids, who are basically in DENIAL about the vital relevancy of IQ measurement and are WEDDED to indecipherable apparatuses in the instruction of usable language and basic math, the situation can only get worse and produce a false elite until the young, of their own volition decide they really want to communicate with one another in fundamental and clear language and reciprocally understood basic mathematics.
We perceive the smug and sanctimonious DENIAL to be the arch enemy of any extrication of our youth from this deathdealing dismal Swamp of irresponsibility and the "divisions" and lassitude among parents to be apparently irreversible.
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