Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Versus Lynch and Ginsburrg

If Ronald Ragan had prior experience of  this last week, it is seriously questionable whether he would have been the first chief magistrate of the United States to place a woman on the Supreme Court, robust feminist though he proved to be.
He was very prescient, wise ...and lucky  in his choice of Sandra Day O'Connor, who is aguably assessed by most as an unswervingly deliberate and evenhanded jurist, albeit with conservative leanings.
Within just a few days we have  had the spectacle of a Supreme Court justice (Ruth Bader Ginsburg) repeatedly immersing herself in the messy name-calling echolalia that weighs down our general election in 2016.  Liberal media conceded Ginsburg "crossed a line".
I think she left her self vulnerable to impeachment.
Then, United States' "Top Cop",  Loretta Lynch appeared before a congressional committee charged with overseeing government operation, and during her dialogue with the congresspersons,  Ms. Lunch  REFUSED  to answer questions put before her 74 times.
She didn't "take" the Fifth Amendment to protect against self-incrimination.
She just clammed up---" stonewalled" if you please.
You can see where I'm going with this.  As a TOTAL believer in women's rights I can trace my pedigree back to a grandmother who was a suffragette and latter-day "flapper" , who layered me with indoctrination very early, and who was  "involved"  herself  in social causes when they were infra dig. 
She wore pants and pajamas before  the 20's and probably smoked small cigars.before she cut back to MURAD  Turkish cigarettes. She coulf not understand he concept of being "equal" to a group to which she was already superior. 
I married a strong, no-limits woman, the best parent and mate in history, who would leave all four of us to fend for ourselves while she ran off to succor a couple  or a single soul  in dire straits or durance vile.
By prejudice or by rearing, I do not flee or fight at the event of a strong or even abrasive woman.
The characteristic that seduces me most is resilience. As a matter of fact, Justice O'Connor had that  in abundance. So did Margaret Mitchell as a young journalist. And Margaret Chase Smith as a senator survived fools intact.
Margaret Thatcher, as  prime minister of Great Britain and four-termer  Eleanor Roosevelt, though oceans apart politically, rose above all the scorn and hatred that threatened them,  and in terms of the  prize ring, "nobody ever laid a glove on 'em".   Indomitable resilience  shone from them.
There is a tendency among many women who get their fame or notoriety from constant media exposure to play their sex card. They whine, bark and lie when they are caught or cornered.  Men  who call attention to these defensive foibles are damned  as sexist bigots. That's the nature of the lazy, sloppy media in the 21st century. The source of most of the unrest and disquietude  engulfing us is due to the illiterate and incompetent media-in-a-matrix, never  ranging far from prejudging any  subject of our discontent, afraid that they might contradict one another in a twitching moment of honesty.
My idea of responsible women who engage their brains before they loosen their jaws for words are, in the United States, Sen. Joni Ernst of Iowa--- and in the United Kingdom, the former new-broom-sweeps-clean Home Secretary Theresa May who is taking over from David Cameron as prime minister-- right this minute.
There are many reasons why these two are my best hope for womankind leadership. I can think of three right off the top of my head.
1.  Neither would pop off with scurrilous words about their worst political enemy-nightmare. You would  find both civil and firm.
2.   Neither would hide information behind their  alleged self-importance. They have both survived merciless grilling and thrived.
3.   Neither of them hate the nation that has recognized  and elevated them to high service.

And for good measure, they both have a lot to teach us. My prayer is that we attend.