Can you imagine the excitement and pride in the hearts of a family that has produced its first professional businessman and all the generations in memory.
The years of preparation and public school... The years toiling as an apprentice in a profession besought with trial and error, success and failure...
And finally, the apprenticeship is architecturally sound and the application form professional license is made.
Then an extended period of examination including actual testing of former projects and and interviews of former supervisors and clients.
The exalted "board" of examiners finally gives the applicant and affirmative judgment and he is issued a business license in the form of a "bonded" degree-diploma type certification
suitable for handling....nay...REQUIRED to be on old business premises.
And it announces the certified person as:
G E N E R A K C O O N T R A C T O R !!!
This happened in the city of Compton, state of California. And now without further research into the Genesis of this illiterate and ignorant appellation of horror--- incontrovertible
evidence of our society's slouch toward entropy, we reproduce the unedited photograph of the certificate we found on a libertarian website.