Sunday, October 14, 2018

Jobs or Mobs...Sand or Slink

Pittsburgh Pennsylvania has always been symbolic of a certain basic American flavor--- an amalgamation of football mystique and philanthropy and literary grandeur marked by excellence in articulation and spirit.

Synonymous with steel , the land of the Three Rivers has brought forth Andrew Carnegie who literally made America a Land f Books and reading.  Pittsburgh also gave us Mean Joe Green (by way of Texas) and Willa Cather and Annie Dillard, immortal writers of fiction and prose.

Now, in 2018, the area Democrat Party has found fit to immortalize the words of their erstwhile "party Executive Secretary", whom they  "terminated" pr "fired" for composing his personal character motto. The former U.S Marine and Gulf War veteran, Mark Salvas wrote:

"I stand for my Flag and our Anthem ! I kneel for the Cross !"

And when his composition was discovered by local Dim / Socialist higher-ups, Salvas was told he was out of step with the Democrat party of 2018, and was dismissed.

In an interview, the Old Fashioned patriot son of  Allegheny / Pittsburgh did not divulge how he will vote in November.

But, without fear of contradiction, we can see clearly the portent that many, many Americans who hear about Mark Salvas and his watchwords...and their payoff, will add them to two questions /  slogans that have been adopted by all of the  DEPLORABLES.

What will you do ?  STAND...or slink and cringe ?

And the most powerful one:

Your Choice, America ! 

JOBS ?  or  MOBS ???

Pittsburgh Pennsylvania has always been symbolic of a certain basic American flavor--- an amalgamation of football mystique and philanthropy and literary grandeur marked by excellence in articulation and spitit.

Synonymous with steel , the land of the Three Rivers has brought forth Andrew Canegie who literally made America a Land f Books andreading.  Pittsburgh also gave us Mean Joe Green (by way of Texas) and Willa Cather and Annie Dillard, immortal writers of fiction and prose.

Now, in 2018, the area;s Democrat Party has gound fit to immortalize the words of their erstwhile "party Executive Secretary, whom they  "terminated" pr "fired for composing his personal characterologival motto. The fotmer U.S Marine and Gulf War veteran, Mark Salvas wrote:

"I stand for my Flag anbd our Anthem !I kneel for the Cross."

And when his composition was discovered by local Dim / Sovialist higher-ups, Sal;vas was told he was out of step with the emocat party of 2018, and was dismissed.

In an interview, the Old Fashionedatriot son of  Allegheny / Pittsburgh did not divulge how he will vote in November.

But, without fear of cpntradiction, we an see clearly the portent that many, many mericans who hear about Mark Salvas and hiswatchwords...and their pauoff, will add them to two questions /  slogans that have been adopted by all DEPLORABLES.

What do you want ? Tp  STAND ? to sulk and slink ?

And the post powerful one:

Your Choice, America !  JOBS or mobs

From Barco Nagurski to Frankie Simkwich, Charley Trippi and Franco Harris to Annie Dillard and ________  the flavor of Allegheny County is distinctly American- by- way- of- Poland- and- Italy.

Just this week in Pittsburgh, the money- powered  sub birders all popular democracy that have enslaved former populist Democrats and used union shaming to maintain a power that is irrelevant, made a huge misstep that will cost the left wing political slavering carrion to remember abd RUE these October days.

They forcefully removed a local Pittsburgh chairperson who had rebelled against their lockstep hatred.

His name is Mark Salas, and a year ago he announced on internationally available social media that he would never "Kneel to insult the Anthem or flag....

From Barco Nagurski to Frankie Simkwich, Charley Trippi and Franco Harris to Annie Dillard and ________  the flavor of Allegheny County is distinctly American- by- way- of- Poland- and- Italy.

Just this week in Pittsburgh, the money- powered  sub birders all popular democracy that have enslaved former populist Democrats and used union shaming to maintain a power that is irrelevant, made a huge misstep that will cost the left wing political slavering carrion to remember abd RUE these October days.

They forcefully removed a local Pittsburgh chairperson who had rebelled against their lockstep hatred.

His name is Mark Salas, and a year ago he announced on internationally available social media that he would never "Kneel to insult the Anthem or flag....