Thursday, December 12, 2019

The Big Definition

Standing here on the brink of the Great Mole Hunt one foot on a banana peel, we decided to reopen Cato's Depot for a limited time for some (hopefully) succinct commentary, spasmodically !

With a devout wink at  Rudyard Kipling's "When Earth's last picture is painted", the thought will be in the style of "When Earth's last Scrivening is scribbled !"  Just comment or email if you want  OFF!


Our 21st century's lazy, sloppy "journalists" and talking heads seem to have thrown researchers, innovators, inventors AND "Scientists" into the same shaky category on which to "hang"  their latest "gotcha" ledes  about some improbable and and lucrative scam.

Any high-level Femme du Nuit  could survive for a month on what these corrupt scum grift in one day.

Just to set the record straight, an Innovator  is the enthusiastic daredevil who tries something that "catches on".  They are very rare. The longest lasting and most significant innovations in my lifetime are Country and Western Music and the Forward Pass.

Inventors lose fingers and toes; hearing and eyesight cobbling up something new that proves to be useful and profitable after "friends" have raided the patent and others pushed him out of his original organization

Researchers are usually high rent hucksters who love to do paperwork and make tricky mathematical tables that faithfully validate the old saw: "prove anything with statistics" --- for BIG money. Researchers also manufacture "polls" in-house to buttress and embellish a pre-paid pipeline for opinion or concept--- usually involving political criminality.

Lo, the poor SCIENTIST !  If he or she really  IS a Scientist, today's  "journalists", talking heads and commentators will SHUN them like a virulent STD. Just like a bloodsucking vampire melts in a puddle or catches fire in the presence of a crucifix.

BECAUSE.... a real, honest to goodness Scientist MUST faithfully publish every errant or anomaly found that weakens his or her conclusions and theory. The authentic Scientist seeks argument and conflict with the same alacrity he scroungers for every bit of success one can prove by repeating the same results with every experiment, always challenginf :"the experts !  (INCLUDING  HIMSELF !)

Those academics beloved of the media, who will "find" any fright  or invent any catastrophic calamity (San Andreas BIG ONE)  in exchange for fame and "grant money" riches are ubiquitous.

Their number is distressingly huge, growing disgustingly and they are no less criminal than rapists and armed robbers. Their evil casts a shadow over all our descendants' lives.

Consukting wit fellow Fossils, one mere pixel  makes us tremble sometimes.