Monday, September 19, 2016

THE 1811 COLUMN Enemy

(BREAKING !--Fierce reporting Wednesday by Jake Tapper of CNN shows the number of damgerous security risks sworn to citizenship to be 1811 instead of 858)
We’ve all had the experience with termites and cockroaches. They are like terrorist enemies.

 Some countries are easy prey to the espionage / terrorist deluge. But a scary announcement by the Inspector General of the Department of Homeland Security Monday, September 19 put the USA in the banana republic sector as far as conflict-to-the-enemy is concerned.

I.G.  John Roth and his auditors, to the dismay of both legislative houses and some more loyal (however incompetent) foreign service agents, announced that the Immigration and Naturalization service has sworn in  858 naturalized citizens whom Mr. Roth views as “risks” to national security

We are used to DHA thugs inspecting bras and diapers at the airports, but THIS is reckless and not funny at all.

Mr. Roth said it was all “a mistake”.  Some mistake !

He characterized the new citizens as having many egregious lapses in  their vetting.  There were  phony  names and aliases. There were instances of no fingerprints for many of them, which alone should have disqualified their applications.

You can read more about it H E R E

Most  people with intact brains are aware that the southern borders of the United States have been raped, fouled  and all but dissolved by the present national administration. Orders emanating from High Places.

But now we have the bureaucracy within the homeland security division of naturalization playing fast and loose with the future and security  of our country.

Ironic is not a strong enough word for the fact that this announcement from an incorruptible Inspector General came less than 24 hours after huge bombs did frightful damage to property as well as life and limb in New York and New Jersey Sunday.

To paraphrase the late great Velvet-Voiced Sen. Everett Dirksen,
“An alien bomb HERE... And an alien bomb THERE... And pretty soon you’ve got real trouble!

May God have mercy on America.