Monday, November 19, 2018

Happy ERNTEFEST !....(Or, Maybe Not...)

Many who read this post will likely never forgive Cato for the "depressive" nature here.

But the trade-off is that those who read it are likely to NEVER forget it.

About this time in November 1943, the German Nazi SS gathered together 43,000 Polish Jews from a Treblinka and other death camps and shot and killed and buried them in line pits, we are reminded by American Thinker's  Mark Musser.

It was called "Operation Erntedest"--- a minor one-day event, the name of which translates: Harvest Festival.

It was a minor-- but much celebrated-- part of the greater "Operation Reinard" which involved the slaughter of 2,200,000 Jews to commemorate the assassination of "Hangman" Heydrich by a Czechoslovakian resistance patriot in 1942.

For some reason the primacy of  Treblinka and its satellite camps where their reason of existence was exclusively killing Jews, often is lost in the heralding of Auschwitz, where the Jews were worked until they were useless... Or dead.

I see and hear so many dumb boobs slinging around the words "Nazi" and "Heil" and the name of the arch-evil "Hitler" that, having been alive and very aware at the time of the suzerainty of these sounds and being tutored in 1943 in these grisly horrors by an Austrian chemist-and-operatic Diva refugee couple so that I am constantly revisited by nightmare.

It features a chorus of Democrat hustlers repeating over and over again that they are NOT  anti-Semites, singing "Springtime for Hitler"  while Gene Willder, Zero Mostel,  and Yours Truly---(The Producers)-- grin, albeit rather nervously.

So when you have an opportunity, pretty soon now, make it a fervent and honest THANKS-giving.