This subject does not seem to
make friends for anybody, but here goes.
Increasingly it has become clear to many
of us that those who busy themselves with identifying and
criminalizing "hate speech" have one glaringly obvious characteristic in common:
They hate speech.
As this is written, a cabal of politicians in Louisiana is dedicating its efforts to prevent
those attending school in the fourth-to-sixth
grades from daily reading and reciting the
Declaration of
Independence... Most specifically that
portion which reports that the Deity / Creator made
us all equal and endowed with universal
This is all incontrovertible evidence that
there is no limit to the perversity of humans in search
of justification of their ill
The punishment of hurtful or hateful words began on
college campuses, where we all agree undeveloped mushy brains of those budding citizens are comparatively unwrinkled.
It has always been a wonder to me that the
terms "Dago", "Kike", "Bohunk", "Mick", "Polack"
"Limey" persisted in use as Non-Hate
appellations long after the "N" word and "Towelhead",
and "Spic" or "Beaner" were proscribed as
actionable hate speech. Then, finally I
realized it was a "shades-of-white-and-color" sort of
As a child in Georgia, I was not allowed to
use any pejorative racial or ethnic slurs. I
suffered both oral Lye soap and physical
punishment for my nasty
Monkey-See-Monkey-Do lapse.
I had a cousin who was always referring to
classes of humanity he viewed contemptuously as "Guineas" and I confess I was a college graduate before I knew what he was
The point of all this is a certainty that when
it comes to name-calling, we all are closet sinners.
And just as in almost every other historical
case, criminalizing a tribal failing is counterproductive.
Punishing people for outbursts of nastiness may
be a good intention. But it's still speech and
thought policing.
As noted above, it is evidence of a hatred of
free speech and free thought.
It is more alarming than a camel's nose under
the tent-flap. It is a Cobra's or Viper's fangs in the
Again: Would-be judges of speech are probably haters of speech, regardless of the
self-righteous smirks.
We all tend to stare at horizons as challenges on
So, at the other end of the speech-spectrum, will we
ever be allowed to stop calling bloody thugs "dissenters" and
rioting racist mobs "protesters" ?
Let us name them what they are:
Unregistered subversive agents of a foreign government.
Let us name them what they are:
Unregistered subversive agents of a foreign government.