Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Blind Man's Blog

Tuesday, July 20, 2004
Always intended to keep a jornal, but I might have, as my Brit friends say,  "left it a bit late, eh?"
At any rate, its July 20, 2004, and what I plan to do is push my choices in literature, music, and  personal development for victims of the government schools who do noy know what the letters  L O G I C  spell or mean, or just who  Aristotle was.
Or who George Santayana was.
Since I have been belaboring many old friends with emails  generated by persons other than myself,, yhe BLOG  template will give me a chance to reach them at THEIR  convenience.
It is really nice to think about only those who  really WISH to attend the words so doing.
At the worst, I won't be damned and deleted as SPAM any more.  At the best possible event,  some youngster my be properly enthralled with things not offered in his/her sphere heretofore.
And that is the end of the first post  at Cato's Depot.

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