Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Who Makin' Who Baaaad?

The Obama call-to-arms aimed at his listless followers in a Philadelphia appearance where a naked man streaked at his lectern and someone threw a book at him was:

“Now, don’t you-all make me look bad...!!!”

T.S. Eliot was right...It all ends not with a bang but a whimper.

Now if you do not think the voters in America hear and attend this stuff, let me point out that the most reliable, unbiased tracking showed him losing from two to four points in the next 23 hours.

You could actually FEEL all the Dem congresspersons cringe.

I mean, can you place this in historical perspective?

For instance:

(1) Moses, burdened with the tablets from Sinai, finding his people worshiping a gold calf...

(2) The Prophet Mohammed, preparing his followers for the slaughters at Meggido or Mecca...

(3) Henry V to his Band of Brothers before Agincourt...

(4) General Washington, General Nathaniel Greene, Colonels John Marshall and Alexander Hamilton to the Continental army at the Battle of Yorktown...

(5) General Pickett , preparing his men for the Gettysburg charge...

(6) Napoleon, prior to the retreat from Moscow....

(7) General “Nuts” McAuliffe and General Patton at Bastogne....

(8) General Stormin’ Norman Schwarzkopf just before they began “Shock & Awe”...

I just cannot see or hear any of these Giants whining and begging that their troops “Don’t Make ME Look Bad....”

What he’s saying is that it is the “fault” of the PEOPLE if he “looks bad”...that is, if he fails.

Well, I am willing to bear my part of the “blame” . As a matter of fact, I have already voted absentee.

Let’s DO it !

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well spoken, great analogies!