Sunday, May 01, 2011


Have you heard ?

Donald Trump, the New York City billionaire real estate developer who was born in the borough of Queens is a RACIST ? !!!

John Bolton, former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, distinguished educator and Ivy League scholar is a RACIST ? !!!

Sarah Pailin, former Alaska governor and defeated candidate for vice president of the United Sates is a RACIST ? !!!

Congressman Paul Ryan, from Wisconsin, architect of the plan that would cut TRILLIONS from the U.S. deficit in eight years is a RACIST ? !!!

U.S. Speaker of the House John Boehmer is a RACIST ? !!!

Congressman Darrell Issa, Chairman of the U.S. House Oversight committee is a RACIST ? !!!

I KNOW it's ALL true.

I read it in the New York Times...Or in The Washington Post..Or maybe I heard it on cable "news" in an MSNBC show by someone named Rayshuh Madcow, or Chuck Shooze, or maybe it was on Thoo Voo on ABC ( a REAL broadcast network.

I read the left wing bullhorn Politico reporters too, so it could have been any one of them.

But if the FCC allows all these people to brand everybody they disagree with "raaaaaaaacist!!!!" MUST be true, right ?

So, I woke up Sunday morning about three and had an "illumination" shall we say. This is my plan:

No matter WHO it is, Eric Holder, the Attorney General; Big Sis Janet N. of Homeland Security, Joe Biden, Senator Charlie Schumer; ex-Scare-Face Nancy Pelosi; NYSlimesmen Paul Krugman, Nicky Kristoff, and even old friends like George Will and David Brooks....if they opine something I disagree with, they're ipso, RACIST !

If baseball fanatic, Dr. G. Will perversely comes out in favor of the designated hitter for National League play, he’s a scurrilous raaaaaacist !

It will soon become the universal, knee-jerk response to every Kool-Aid kooky, socialist-communist plan for hopey-change and every hog trough spending debauchery ! "THAT's RAAAAAAAACIST !"

No matter what the Soros, Kos, Huffington, Hell-bent crowd espouses, it will henceforth be deemed ...what, pupils ? Answer ?


Will my heroes Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, Allen West, Mychal Massie, Herman Cain and Jesse Lee Peterson be offended by this new "movement"?

Probably not. They're pretty tired of the silly season too.

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