Tuesday, August 23, 2011

F & F The Movie

Thanks to Sean Hannity and Fox News, we now have a completely understandable scenario in living color of the true nature of the bloody expanse of the "Fast and Furious" scandal.

Many other butcheries of our American values have stolen airtime and print media attention from the Doj / BATF wrongdoing in recent daya.

But Congressman Darrell Issa and Senator Chuck Grassley have continued theoir relentless pressure on Attporney General Eric Holde r.

The New Yourk Times just last week launched a personal attack on Issa in a hit piece penned by an ignorant and arrogant fiction writer laced with many misstatements and highlighted by intenmt to defame Issa.

Now, sit back and see the whole story---you just CLICK THIS VIDEO.

Then, stay tuned to this Blog. Because, CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, AP and PUBLIC TV will NOT cover this story until someone is impeached.

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