Tuesday, October 18, 2016


Certainly it is a more than twice told tale that columnists and journalists who do not follow the dictates of the overbearing left wing Zeitgeist, are referred to as "conservative"  or ." Arch-conservative", depending on how scared the socialists are of their writings.

But we never hear Chuck Todd or Wolf Blitzer or Rachel Maddow referred to as "Liberal" or "Far-Left" media stars.

Therefore it is with great joy that we say we always listen to what Patrick Buchanan says because he was a follower of the great James Jackson Kilpatrick, the joyful wordsmith hero and warrior in the William F Buckley-led modern conservative movement that began in about 1950 and came to fruition with the election of Ronald Reagan in 1980.

For, in truth, Buchanan never cavils.  Like Edmund Burke, James Burnham, F.A. Hayek, Milton Friedman and the "re-born" Sidney Hook and Arthur Koestler-- Pat Buchanan is never likely to be gently parsing  his opinions.  They are all right, and they echo from his soul.

So, when asked Tuesday morning if it is "possible" to "rig" a national election with fraudulent ballots, his reply called up the image of another powerful conservative activist.

"You Betcha !"  Buchanan answered.

We were struck by the abrupt and honest  statement on our situation,  but we assumed that would be the last we heard of it.

But a relentless browsing pattern, followed every morning, brought what we must admit was a shocking validation of Saint Pat's  insoucisnt declaration. It was something I never thought I would see in print.

A super conscientious former U.S. Justice Department official with decades of experience in voting issues made this statement about an hour after I saw the "You Betcha" piece: 

J. Christian Adams says that he has identified 4 million dead people on the voting rolls for the November 8 election, and he has apparently only been vacuuming in a few states. 

As far back as 2012, the sacrosanct Pew Reserch Council  said 1.8  million fraudulent voters were on the rolls. Now, in just four years, the numbert has grown to four million.

Adams, who served as voting expert in the DoJ,  has initiated six suits in Broward County, Florida (Ft. Lauderdaie) and in Pennsylvania, to remove ead and ineligible voters from poll lists.

He said he isolated one voter in Texas who had been dead snce 1942.

Those of you who want more detailed information about this situation can "Google" either J. Christian Adams' name or "Pew Research-Vote Fraud".

Even though the present administration and its  DoJ have taken a "hands off" policy and adopted blindness , sightless, noiseless attitude in this matter, like the three Chinese monkeys, We are going to contact our congressperson and two senators.

In an election year, it couldn't hurt.  This won't go away. It is a very  nasty, stinking Brontasaurus  in the foyer.

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