Saturday, May 27, 2017

Rout the Reptiles !

About 30 years ago, immersed in addiction studies and designing treatment protocol in a medical practice, we were faced with a serious dilemma.  A member of the staff was behaving erratically to the detriment of facility “culture” and we ferreted out (detected) that said staffer was high on speed at the workplace, where she had some supervisory duties.

Of course, it had to be reported to the chief executive and owner of the health clinic. Then; high level investigation took place.  A trap was set, the staffer’s guilt was established and termination followed.  In those days there was a time-release speed capsule and the subject maintained a pocketful.

Between the time the damming report was made and the exit scene, various vindictive activities took place, the most amazing of which was the introduction of two nonpoisonous grass snakes into the room where we saw patients and families.  Fortunately , the serpents were in full view when we arrived, and not difficult to catch barehanded. They were less than 2 feet long, and almost tame. A fellow worker later  said the avenger’s paramour supplied the snakes.  We just released them in the parking lot, without comment or fanfare.

All this happened quite a while before crazed crooks learned how to cook asthma medication into “crank” to push cocaine into a loftier economic and social stratum.

Our intent in reporting the offender was to protect the practice and its patients—Not just to “snitch” on another. It was a positive, protective effort.

We were  reminded of this when we read about some students at Kellogg community college in Grand Rapids Michigan, who were handing out mini-book complete editions of the United States Constitution, when they were arrested on orders from the institution's authorities.  The purveyors of the founding document were members of Young Americans for Liberty.  They were acting to counter what they terrned the school administration's anti-free-speech policies.

These lovers of the United States and its solid foundations did not run away from the evil, boa constrictor  grasp of the “authorities”.

With swift insouciance the YAL  asked Michigan courts to expunge the arrests and restrain the school authorities from further infringement of their constitutional rights to donate free copies of the United States Constitution to anyone who wants / needs one.

There’s no need for things to get bloody.  Just chase the snakes out and drain the swamps.

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