Friday, July 28, 2017

Can You FRY a Leak ?

Leakers of the Swamp, UNITE !  You have nothing to lose but your drips !

A leak from within the Justice Department (which is now investigating leaks) says  the Leaker-in-Chief  may be James A. Baker,  General Counsel of the Federal Bureau of  Investigation (part of the Justice Department) for having leaked secret and classified information or documents to press and media, thus undermining FBI investigations into leaks.

The savvy news outlet Circa  which has had more than its share of 'scoops"  (by way of leaks) was the source of the revelation, basing the story on leaks from "sources wishing to remain anonymous, familiar with the impending investigation."

While we may approach this development with a smidgen of levity, it may well be, as they say in DC,  "YUGE !!!!"

On the other hand, somebody somewhere is going to have a celebration investigating the Justice Department's investigative arm investigating itself and its top lawyer.

You may not see this aired on your expensive cable lineup anywhere, and there is no reason to believe any of the print media in their death spiral will be disposed to report a story about the investigative arm of the government's investigative arm attempting to plug "leaks".

Any illegal or subversive  "leaking" is always applauded by the media, especially that phalanx of the media in receipt of the sneaky skinny.

It is First Amendment cash and carry time for the pundits and op-ed wizards, no matter the hint of  venalirt or greed involved.

On the other hand, it may be that this fish is too big not to exploit... And...  F R Y  !

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