Thursday, September 28, 2017

Whut In The Name Of SAM ?

Well-versed as I am in tracking down ghosts, gremlins and imps, let me share my discovery of a new barely discernible invader.
A few of my friends who are fond of the English language, have joined me in recommending that before a graduate of a journalism college be given a job-- particularly if he or she is 35 or younger-- such prospective employee in the communications industry should successfully complete a rigid course in English grammar and be given a free copy of  Strunk & White's  Elements of  Style !
Just now I shared a "breaking"  story with a very cultured professional artist (NOT a rapper) and she could not for the life of  her grasp whether the subject of the story was in sympathy with a group when he resigned his position---OR if  he had quit because he disagreed with them.
The reporting was that bad. The writing (or exposition if you will) was worse than the reporting. I realized that I had reacted to message board comment on the story rather than to the story as it was presented.
Here we have a situation where the weight and value of the report lay in the person's reason for his resignation. That WAS the story, and THAT was missing.
*(It was about a man who had always wanted to have a trained voice so that he could sing the Star-Spangled Banner before a large audience. That was his heart's desire and he realized it two years ago when he was hired by the
Baltimore Ravens to sing the Anthem at every home game.  The explosion of the big social justice war mixing anti-police bias with anti-patriotic fervor tore this man's heart--- and his dream-- to shreds.)* 
Only an awkward  writer without a vestige of sensitivity or sentiment would not understand the singer's  reaction.
But I stumbled on another scary hypothesis.  If the K-12 government skools are dumbing down our children, is it possible that part of the educationooid agenda is to produce high school graduates more poorly equipped than
GED-earners ? Are they so deaf to  language that even my old city editor Sam Cox couldn't scare Ned's First Reader literacy into them ??
If this is the case, then that explains  why so many of the younger   "centrist" and so-called "conservative" writers and TV anchors were reportedly tutored or home schooled.
They don't have space  or  time for garbage and slanted conspiracies.
It is a horrible thing to think. But I'm stuck with it until some trustworthy soul disabuses me.
Sam Cox didn't go to Harvard or Princeton. But he could quote Strunk and White until your eyes rolled.

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