Saturday, November 18, 2017

Un-Bless That Chihuahua !!!

Have you heard about the atheists in New Jersey suing an animal shelter in Bergen County in FEDERAL court  with an eye toward closing it down ?

When one of the local atheists visited the shelter to adopt a Chihuahua, she found a Roman Catholic bishop clad in all vestments  in the process of   "Blessing the Animals"--- a tradition that stems from a daily regimen practiced by St. Francis of  Assissi.

The atheists claim that any entity using any amount of public funds is barred by the first amendment to the I.S. Constitution from entertaining our "influencing" in a religious activity of one "sect or cult over another". 

We don't have the figures on what percentage of the Bergen County shelter budget comes from  local taxpayers and what percentage is supplied by philanthropists. But, if it follows the national trend, we suspect the "governmental" donation to the "kitty" is not exorbitant. 

Animal lovers are notorious "suckers" for a big gift to anyone willing to care for, protect and clean up after various puppy dogs, cats and kittens, exotic birds, turtles and terrapins, snakes and snails and abandoned guppies and gerbils !

We can just see a federal judge issuing an order restraining the Bergen animal shelter from saving an Irish setter... Or a St. Bernard or a Russian wolfhound or an Angel Fish.

One thing is for sure, the Chihuahua-haunted godless lady and most of her confrères will be found to be as relentlessly  void of a sense of humor as they are of empathy for lost and abandoned creatures---including humankind.

We should have a laissee'-faire  peace with people who are unbelievers and scoffers. But making a federal case out of an expression of love (however liturgical) MUST disqualify these hateful people from their license as a teeny bit of humanity.

As Todd Starnes says, there is a strong bulwark of protestant deacons in the South, that bless animals regularly--- even when the animal is drowned in barbecue sauce.    

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