Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Twisted "Gag" Order

The Tommy Robinson drama is a big deal.

The Islam-Jihad loving British have been looking to silence his crusade against murderous pedophilia for some time now.

They got their "cause" at a Leeds  trial of Muslim criminals where he was freely hanging out the filthy linen of the culprits involved in degradation of children and women.

The judiciary sentenced Robinson to 13 months in jail for reporting the testimony and the charges.

Then, the court imposed the traditional British "gag order" criminalizing any public discussion of Robinson's reportage or his subsequent punishment.

In other words, they did what every major left-leaning  United States media outlet wishes it could do.... "Make it never have happened" !!!

On Wednesday, after what newspaper and wire service reports called "a worldwide explosion of criticism", the gag order ban on editorial comment  or coverage of Tommy Robinson was lifted.

Media weasels immediately painted to this as an attempt by the powers that be in Britain to recapture some semblance of  "fairness".

But I see it as simply a ploy by which the boot-licking  Muslim loving lackeys in the UK will be free to pour their not-inconsiderable nasty wrath on Tommy Robinson and his supporters... And of course in this war like atmosphere TRUTH will be the first casualty. 

The rescinding of the gag order will turn out to be just another ham-fiisted strategy to cozen the iniquitous digestion of the United Kingdom by a traditional oriental religious conspiracy.

Other nations with small but locally powerful enclaves of death loving zealots should... But will probably NOT... pay attention.

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