Tuesday, June 19, 2018

IOWA---Foreign Country ?

Let me tell you when I turned off the Senate hearing on FBI and DoJ treachery.

It was when someone asked another DC swamp dweller where disgraced ex-FBI diorector Jim Comey was. Why wasn't he here for the hearing..

The answer was: 

"Oh, he's out of the country... .I believe he is somewhere in Iowa !"

And there you have the whole problem, wrapped up in tissue paper with sparkles and a red ribbon.

No inbred denizen of the District of Columbia swap recognizes anything anywhere that is NOT Washington, New York or California.

This fetid and poisonous attitude bubble also imprisons incurious scriveners and localizers of the big left-wing print media (what's left of it) and all of the alphabet television outlets.

You will see CNN on the screens of ubiquitous TV sets in the Des Moines and Ashtabula airports (because CNN gives the airlines a free stage) but 95% of the people who "DO"  the news can neither locate Hennepin County as the locale of a metropolis in Minnesota---OR pronounce it correctly without a gazetteer.

One can almost literally bathe oneself in the disdain and contempt with which the "presenters" articulate "Memphis", "Atlanta",  "Tulsa" or "Shreveport"--- unless, of course some wild pothead-mad has shot up a schoolhouse in the area. THEN, they do their homework and get the name just right.

The sophomoric cretins in charge of evaluating and disseminating information to you and your children on the screen as well as the dying print rags rarely know the first rules of constructing a story but they have their eyes focused on Los Angeles and Manhattan or the nation's Capital as their future  point of no return and only a minority of  them are  trained to professional acuity in journalism.

They end up forgotten like Megan Kelly, or switch to stand-up comedy and become Kathy Griffin or Kimmey Jmmell.

Nowadays, it is a sad fact that people you see on television under the age of 30 are holding their breath just waiting for the moment when they can scream a nasty four-letter word on coast-to-coast hook up. What a powerful ambition that is !

But it won't play in Des Moine on Waco or Bloomington.


Vicki said...
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Vicki said...

Wow, I'm still reeling that Iowa is out of the country. Then again, your previous post, "Dumb & Dumber," kind of explains this embarrassing phenomena. Whoa unto US. But, hey, 5th graders know how to put a condom on a banana and high schoolers can make protest signs, albeit misspelled, and get an abortion without their parents' consent! So be proud, America!