Saturday, July 07, 2018

New Twist by AssPress

It has been suggested that modernity has passed us by.

Certainly for those of us who never saw  a newspaper or TV medium make up stuff and disseminate it as news, it is true.

But having been literally wened on the assumption that the Associated Press is a sacrosanct source of solid news, these are disquieting days... And years.

On Saturday the Pentagon had to explain to a not-too-interested media that it is NOT discharging, en masse, immigrants qualifying for citizenship through military service.

The Associated Press, apparently egged on  by a prestigious Clinton / Obama law firm, and mischievous left wing politicians, had carried a story accusing the Pentagon of mass-discharge of all "foreigners"  in the process of serving in the armed services to gain American citizenship.

The program was set up by the Obama administration in 2009, supposedly to take advantage of those people with language abilities and cultural insights that would strengthen armed services security.

For a full story, click here:

The Pentagon supplied evidence that only security risks had been discharged due to ongoing regulation background inquiries. Still the Associated Press was enervated by the invasion of its news gathering process by the powerful Democrat left wing law firm of Perkins-Coie.

Surely, we have entered some sort of Twilight-PLUS Zone when shysters exert  power and prestige that overdarkens our military defense establishment.

Originally the beneficiaries of the citizenship-for-service arrangement were Afghans, Pakistani, Iranians and Eastern Europeans. Lately there have been many Central Americans and Asians in the program.

It should mollify most Americans to have stringent military counterintelligence screening of each individual applicant in this program.

We should not bend the rules----or our knees--- to Perkins-Coie or the AssPress.

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