Tuesday, October 02, 2018

Could it Be ?

There is more than the fate of cuddly polar bear cubs and orca pods, tree frogs and feathery fern at stake in the acrid Global Warming debate.

We said so many times and so have people on both sides of the argument concerning "climate change".

But no one has pinpointed the Ghost-in- the-Machine as well as John Eidson of the Ameerican Thinker website.

Eidson has ferreted out the full-fleshed dedication of the Warmists to a much nastier goal than just trading in "Carbon Footprint Credits" and hustling windmills and solar panels.

The goal is to end capitalism everywhere on earth in a stealth of poison never reached by any anarchist, communist or  nihilist conspiracy

anywhere. Many financial thinkers and economists have known this since the beginning of Al Gore's sophomoric attachment to the wild idea that activity by human beings controls global temperatures and, hence, climate.

If any prediction made by the "Warmists" in 1990 had come true, most of you reading this would probably be dead.

Here is Eidson's mother lode of a discovery:

The Hidden Agenda Behind "climate change" Hysteria

In comments that laid bare the hidden agenda behind global warming alarmism, Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of the U.N.'s 

Framework Convention on Climate Change, let slip during a February 2015 press conference in Brussels that the U.N.'s real purpose in pushing 

climate hysteria is to end capitalism throughout the world: 

"This is the first time in human history that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally changing [getting rid of] the economic 

development model that has reigned since the Industrial Revolution....."

There you have it, couched in the most blatant Globaloney since Clare Booth Luce invented the word !

Of course, president Donald J. Trump, a well documented idiot- buffoon who just happened to find his billions in wealth in a Central Park trash can, could never have known these weasels were hell-bent on destroying Western civilization when he opted out of the Paris "weather accords"....

Or....WAIT !....Maybe....


kp said...

YOu have done it again, so on point and revealing. Particularly when The seasons are changing.
Seems it did this last year. The CLimate is changing all by itself. These fools need to embrace Capitalism and Nature .


Thumbs Up !!!

Unknown said...

Spot on! Every once in a while they let the curtain slip and we get a glimpse behind the liberal curtain.