Would youall believe that a nonagenarian blogger would just happen to get possession of a leaked congressional memo outlining the forthcoming articles of impeachment against President Trump ?
Stranger things have happened. To emphasize the strangeness of it all, let me quote at length from the grimy, greasy, stomped-om notes from the Democrat hierarchy:
"Our first few articles are rather obvious. Trump is white. He is heterosexual. And he is a male. Those first three articles condemn him as being unsuitable for the presidency on the basis of our party's dynamic and ever-changing principles !
"Fourth, he was elected by minority of the citizens of the United States, albeit he was chosen by a majority of the states' electoral votes under an outmoded constitutional system scribbled on a piece of paper 232 years ago by --(GET THIS)-- a bunch of old white heterosexual men !
"First thing he did, in a chaotic White House, is make peace and settle down all of the nuclear war fears on the Korean Peninsula in particular and the Far East in general. This is not just an embarrassment to our sainted Obama--- it was… Well… REVOLUTIONARY ! As Democrats we would never stoop so low as to talk to a chubby little dictator. It was probably illegal, but it was surely embarrassing.
"THEN, he made the whole of ISLAM (A billion Peaceful Muslims) mad at us by moving our Israeli embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem !!! Several insignificant countries followed suit...
"Next we have this dastardly and dangerous withdrawal from the Paris extortionate / blackmail agreement to buy "carbon footprint insurance"with an international slush fund. This action was shockingly impertinent, and influenced many other nations to do the same, endangering the very heart of GLOBALONEY !
"Then in the heated chaos of the White House, the president lifted restrictions on construction and investment activity and deregulated hundreds of rules that guaranteed employment for thousands of Democrat bureaucrats. Trump's action allowed small business owners and entrepreneurs to hire people so that in one month the United States added more than 400,000 jobs!! --- Shocking overreach !
"Still later, in that same chaotic White House, this president dreamed up a plan to actually remove all the troops we had stationed in Syria, mitigating security measures put in place by President Obama. As a matter of fact one of our strongest articles of impeachment concerns the disrespect shown by this president toward Obamacare and other vague and unaccomplished efforts of the former Democrat administration.
"This chaotic White House gains its reputation for chaos from the fact that this president fires people who disagree with him and hires people who largely support his decisions. We view this to be untoward and unacceptable executive excess.
"We are still tabulating the misdeeds of this president and we expect to add many more articles to this impeachment call. However, the chaotic nature of this White House makes it almost impossible to gather information. One of the more stringent accusations we make is that this White House spends a great deal of time and effort pointing out what it calls "fake news"where they document every misspoken word and untruthful exaggeration by reporters and commentators and spreading the embarrassing truths across social media.
"This intolerable practice could never have happened in the days before Twitter, when only the media panjandrums were allowed to holler "LIE !!
These articles of impeachment are certain to end this insufferable impasse."
(Thus ends the first "leak" of the forthcoming articles. Stay tuned.
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