Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Bureaucrats....The Plague Quickens

Gilbert Keith Chesterton on bureaucrats:

"They fight by shuffling papers.

"Have bright, dead, alien eyes.

"They look at our labor and laughter

"As a Tired Man looks at flies..."

A nice creative articulate lady named Jessica Hughes was minding her own business this week when her cell phone interrupted her thoughts.

"Hello", said the bright voice of a young lady, Are you a supporter of Barack Obama?"

"No," Jessica said. Silence.

"Well, why not ?" the voice sounded different to Jessica. So, she replied, "Because he voted four times in his political career to let many infants die unnecessarily..."

"Well," the voice said, "I am a volunteer for Obama in Texarkana and we..."

"Pardon me," Jessica interrupted, "You should find something better to do with your time !"

And, she hung up her cell phone.

Then, Jessica was visited by two Secret Service agents who told her they were investigating a "death threat" she had made against Barrack Obama. They said the Texaekana volunteer told them Jessica said that "your candidate will end up dead on a hospital floor."

"That is not true, Jessica told them. She enlisted her husband as witness, and asked who made the coimplaint.

(This was all taking place on the Hughes front porch.

The agents ignored her question began to ask about her "thought patterns" and her "feelings".

She clammed up. She asked for their badge numbers. They refused. Jessica asked for cards. The female agent said: "You gettin' no card."

The male agent gave her his card and said: "If there is a problem, you can contact Houston."

She says she also will contact Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson, and probably the Center for Law and Justice and Judicial Watch.

Later, on a conservative thread, several postings wondered about the politics of the Secret Service agents. Were they "leftists"? What was the agenda when they attempoted to police Jessuca Hughes' thought-and-feeling processes ?

I can solve that one. Just as the Great G.K.Chesterton did.

They're not "left" or "right"...They're bureaucrats.

Like the men who dressed in plain clothes and crushed Jew skulls and gutted others on Kristallnact in Germany, and who directed millions into the gas chambers and ovens of the camps. Nothing personal. Just policy.

Bureaucrats' only weapon is...intimidation. They curdle and melt like a salted slug without it.

But tyrants have built many empires with bureaucrats as "point men".

Stick around....Stay tuned. America at the tipping point. Some show !!!


(Jessica Hughes' Blog is:

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