Monday, February 23, 2009

A Snob

It is a terrible admission.

When I began reading a polemic screed that began in a way that promised it would agree with ALL my prejudices, and came across the word "fosted" obviously meant to be "foisted", I just deleted it.

When I read the lead paragraph in an AssPress Sports story that announced Phil Mickelson had "blown his largest-ever lead" (when I saw him leading by eight in Atlanta the year he first won the Masters), I deleted it without going on.

When I heard a screamer on cable TV claiming Israeli aggression in Gaza, when I had SAVED five years of 6,000 enumerated Gaza-based rocket assaults on Siderot (where I have a real, live Israeli friend who emails me) I clicked the remote to the TRU channel.

When I got a cassette tape that mislocated three Alaska population centers, and mispronounced the names of Russian-Aleut historical figures, I sent it back.

The world is---more amd more---the victim of poorly informed, partially educated, narcissistic people hell-bent on bending our mnds.

This behavior was a tipoff, a hallmark you might say, of falsification by journalists who celebrated Mussolini's fascism and Adolf Hitler's National Socialist German Workers' Party (NAZI) in the 1930's and Nicky Lenin's Bolshevik communism in 1917.

It is subtle, feckless, ignorant and clumsy in the beginning. But once you accept and make way for the small lie, the eager overkill, the decoration, you give it growth and before you can regroup, numbness spreads and the Foggy Lie is accepted as "The Way"...Like in Chicago.

So, about spelling, about grammar, and certainly, about facts, I plead guilty.

I am a Snob

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