Monday, November 07, 2011

Hatred's Matrix PLAIN

We were discussing the Occupy-Ers one evening last week and it just slipped out:

"It's all just Hate. HYate Jews. Hate old people. Hate rich people. Hate uniformed people. Hate EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY except "jate" itself. Poor old Roosevelt, he and his "fear" speech. Nobuddy ever apprised these indolent running sores of societal failurte about the nexus between fear and hate...They'll learn too late...." I bumbled on as geezers do. But my son (64) and youngest grandson (17) chewed on it awhile.

Didn't have any idea of public validation, but I ran scross an interesting video by a former anarchist turned apprehensive adult, who says all this media-supported body odor and secretion prolofwrtion IS, indeed thye Peripatetic Academy of Hate.

Have a lookHERE.

Then educate whoever you can. The fire rages all 'round a few who SEE !

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