Friday, March 17, 2017

RAAAAAAAAAACIST COLORS: Red~ Whjite~Blue...Really ?

Probably the story would never have attracted attention if it had not been "sluggedd" with the call letters WHO.

That's where Ronald Reagan had his breakthrough job re-creating the Chicago Cubs games on the Des Moines, Iowa Clear Channel radio station. The station in the mid-50s and 60s and early 70s was a favorite when we traveled to the three Canadian Prairie provinces to write about  pointing breed field trials on the prairies of Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba where southern trainers took their strings to train and compete on a plethora of game birds. 

Before you got out of Indiana and into Wisconsin and Minnesota,  WHO was the station to listen to because it was clear and entertaining over the expanse of the Great Lakes states and the Dakotas.

Obviously, WHO retains all of the characteristics that made it one of the four or five most forward looking diseminators of information available in the great Midwest.

They still do not mix in any political partiality or twisted bias in reporting the news.

This story that took my breath away was about a basketball game played between two Iowa high school teams --- very serious rivals.

One of the teams, Valley High,  had cheerleaders and musicians dressed in new outfits of red, white and blue ensemble.  They were very active in exhorting their fans and supporting their basketball  quintet.

Apparently everyone enjoyed their performance.  Valley High won the game by two points, 55-53.

Only then did the other team's school administrators  and coaching staff demand an apology from Valley High school for its "ugly, bigoted racism" evidenced by the red white and blue colors they wore. 

An executive of the complaining school went so far as to say that "any levelheaded adult would feel threatened and offended"   by the patriotic display of the USA flag colors.

If this had happened in New Mexico or California where the illegal aliens flood the schools, welfare offices, food stamp  "banks", emergency rooms  and homeless shelters, some citizens might just shrug and  roll  eyes as they did when hundreds of thousands of  illegal alien sneaks  and  scofflaws, voted in  the United States presidential election.

But, IOWA ??

We can only sadly remember the words of a courageous American commenting on the sprawling criminality of Nixon's many-splendored  gang:

"There is a cancer eating away at the vitals of this nation !!"

Only this time the partisan blind cannot see and therefore cannot read, recite or recognize the word "ILLEGAL"  or evaluate their own  nescience / ignorance.

There is no wonder that a majority of Americans fear for the security and safety of their children every morning when they go to government skools peopled and promoted by a coterie of educationoids with no values and no shame.


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