"We cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.
"We cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.
"We cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
"We cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down.
"We cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.
"We cannot build character and courage by taking away people's initiative and independence.
"We cannot help people permanently by doing for them, what they could and should do for themselves."
-William J. H. Boetcker
These words, often referred to as Boetcker's Decaloge, are offered here to those who have come up empty and frustrated at a search for New Years resolutions.
They have been attributed to Abraham Lincoln, as have many wise gems.
But they come from a very brilliant, deeply religious lecturer who bridged the gap between the 19th and 20th centuries, between 1870 and 1924 .
Boetcker was an American of German extraction, deeply religious and gifted with a faceted moral and economic insight honed on the thrust of the late Industrial Revolution and the Roaring Twenties.
There is nothing any sane person could add to this irrefutable warning.
We languish nowadays in debris and paralysis--- consequences of not heeding Boetcker's vision.
We might thrive if we devoured this every morning--- but not on an empty stomach !
Sunday, December 30, 2018
Monday, December 10, 2018
Of all my professors, tutors and gurus (and I have been fortunate to have many) the wisest one told me:
"All the information you ever get will be filtered and affected and colored by the inescapable filtering."
".... And that includes THIS advice !"
So, I asked him: "Does that mean that all information is somehow flawed and untrustworthy ?"
"No !" He said sternly. "But after you were eight or nine years old, you have had a responsibility-- which will become heavier every year of your life-- to separate the obviously and demonstrably true from the trapping and crippling lies and misrepresentations."
I have learned that this was true and that its application to mothers and fathers and myriad kinfolk was valid--- though painful.
Most good writing and thinking revolves around this rather paradoxical imperative. Therefore, there IS a lot of assistance available in separating grace from treachery especially during the first two decades of one's life.
Without separating and identifying every disappointing confidant, every glib seducer and every False God for identification and damnation, it is enough to look back and see that they were there-- the "filters", I mean--Not just the human fallibility.
Old-timers like my uncle Pat had sayings, like..." His britches don't hang right"... And, "He looks at you kinda Sqwaunrch-eyed !"
Shakespeare and Baudelaire are rich with similes and identifications of the turncoat, scammer and flimflam man. One of the more famous results of these literary total damnations is that some 21-year-olds protect themselves by identifying a liar as one "whose lips move" when he confides a plan.
All of this is preparation for a plea for mercy toward some of the snowflakes and millennial's now in violent disaffection to things we older folk have held... Well....Sacred, I guess is the word.
No generation has ever been battered by so much Bullspit Hoopla and unembarrassed false Deities and promises.
A major sad paradox is that a large proportion of these youngsters have never seen "The Filter" that separates the existence of evil, the immutability of the market in human interaction and the absolute necessity for dependence on a power greater than any human power in times of duplicity; hatred and conspiracy.
Therefore, they turn to the familiar mesmerizing Hive and its soothing repetitive Hum of divisive unthinking "Progressive" protest against anything that will give parents and grandparents Disorders ranging from dyspepsia to suicide.
In their whole lives, these young people have never had a challenge to The Filter that rules their emotions and commands those emotions to shun and distrust "Reason" or debate.
Their Filter disallows any challenge by branding disciplinary warning as "yelling at me". And they are protected from all the natural abrasions of social acculturation by their untouchable sacrosanct "self-esteem". Most of them nowadays have never had a failing grade in school.
That is one huge filter, albeit the worst kind, not imposed by a maturing self... But stealthily imposed by the noxious progressive Hive of educationoids and PC Ghouls.
Genuine maturation and education are dead and gone until we give the infant, the toddler, the prepubescent and the teenager the freedom to suffer consequences of choices and the grandeur of learning to CHOOSE the filters that shape human destinies.
Monday, November 19, 2018
Happy ERNTEFEST !....(Or, Maybe Not...)
Many who read this post will likely never forgive Cato for the "depressive" nature here.
But the trade-off is that those who read it are likely to NEVER forget it.
About this time in November 1943, the German Nazi SS gathered together 43,000 Polish Jews from a Treblinka and other death camps and shot and killed and buried them in line pits, we are reminded by American Thinker's Mark Musser.
It was called "Operation Erntedest"--- a minor one-day event, the name of which translates: Harvest Festival.
It was a minor-- but much celebrated-- part of the greater "Operation Reinard" which involved the slaughter of 2,200,000 Jews to commemorate the assassination of "Hangman" Heydrich by a Czechoslovakian resistance patriot in 1942.
For some reason the primacy of Treblinka and its satellite camps where their reason of existence was exclusively killing Jews, often is lost in the heralding of Auschwitz, where the Jews were worked until they were useless... Or dead.
I see and hear so many dumb boobs slinging around the words "Nazi" and "Heil" and the name of the arch-evil "Hitler" that, having been alive and very aware at the time of the suzerainty of these sounds and being tutored in 1943 in these grisly horrors by an Austrian chemist-and-operatic Diva refugee couple so that I am constantly revisited by nightmare.
It features a chorus of Democrat hustlers repeating over and over again that they are NOT anti-Semites, singing "Springtime for Hitler" while Gene Willder, Zero Mostel, and Yours Truly---(The Producers)-- grin, albeit rather nervously.
So when you have an opportunity, pretty soon now, make it a fervent and honest THANKS-giving.
Wednesday, November 14, 2018
Woodward's Best Scoop Yet !
Woodrow Wilson decided to have the first presidential press conference about 100 years ago.
Since then there have been a lot of comfortable changes and many uncomfortable exchanges in various rooms in the White House and the Rose Garden and on the South Lawn and even under the downdraft of helicopters.
But so far as I have been able to ascertain, there are no laws and no constitutional provisions or amendments covering White House (read presidential) control over who participates in the daily press briefing or the formal presidential "preser".
As my admired accomplice in this status, I'll point to Bob Woodward of WaPo Watergate fame who said Wednesday that reporter Jim Acosta and CNN are childish and that the entire brouhaha over his
exclusion from the White House is an example of petty people becoming emotionally unhinged by their mindless hatred of President Donald J. Trump.
Despite the wussified and sycophantic pandering by former New Jersey lower court judge A. Napolitano and the threatened."Amicus Curae" brief by Fox news, let me go out on the sturdy limb-- as rigid as the trunk from which it sprouts--and say:
"This dog won't hunt !"
The president and all of the habitués of the White House have as much right to decide who comes through its portals as we would assume journalist Tucker Carlson has to decide who may and may not crash down his door and ravage his home and threatened his wife in his absence.
If there are any constitutional questions here to be bruited about, the primary one would the the safety of the nation's first magistrate and commander-in-chief, especially so far as his right to identify and eject interlopers by their behavior and demeanor.
Common sense, as Bob Woodward indicated, will--- along with a legal opinion--- sternly embarrass this coterie of crybabies which lamentably includes what used to be the sine qua non of journalism now known as the ass press....
Meanwhile,three`quarters of 8,500 respondents to a Yahoo / Zogby poll opined that the mainstream media, identifiale ow as all those outlets who believe Trum had no right tio ban Jim Acosta, are mainy guilty
and resposible of dividing America with false reporting, racist and hate propaganda and bad faith.
Thank you, Sir Robert--Knight Errant Woodward---for your most Gallant scoop of ALL !
Since then there have been a lot of comfortable changes and many uncomfortable exchanges in various rooms in the White House and the Rose Garden and on the South Lawn and even under the downdraft of helicopters.
But so far as I have been able to ascertain, there are no laws and no constitutional provisions or amendments covering White House (read presidential) control over who participates in the daily press briefing or the formal presidential "preser".
As my admired accomplice in this status, I'll point to Bob Woodward of WaPo Watergate fame who said Wednesday that reporter Jim Acosta and CNN are childish and that the entire brouhaha over his
exclusion from the White House is an example of petty people becoming emotionally unhinged by their mindless hatred of President Donald J. Trump.
Despite the wussified and sycophantic pandering by former New Jersey lower court judge A. Napolitano and the threatened."Amicus Curae" brief by Fox news, let me go out on the sturdy limb-- as rigid as the trunk from which it sprouts--and say:
"This dog won't hunt !"
The president and all of the habitués of the White House have as much right to decide who comes through its portals as we would assume journalist Tucker Carlson has to decide who may and may not crash down his door and ravage his home and threatened his wife in his absence.
If there are any constitutional questions here to be bruited about, the primary one would the the safety of the nation's first magistrate and commander-in-chief, especially so far as his right to identify and eject interlopers by their behavior and demeanor.
Common sense, as Bob Woodward indicated, will--- along with a legal opinion--- sternly embarrass this coterie of crybabies which lamentably includes what used to be the sine qua non of journalism now known as the ass press....
Meanwhile,three`quarters of 8,500 respondents to a Yahoo / Zogby poll opined that the mainstream media, identifiale ow as all those outlets who believe Trum had no right tio ban Jim Acosta, are mainy guilty
and resposible of dividing America with false reporting, racist and hate propaganda and bad faith.
Thank you, Sir Robert--Knight Errant Woodward---for your most Gallant scoop of ALL !
Thursday, November 01, 2018
Hedgingg and Faking
There is something very serious and impressive about a news outlet calling a meeting of the editorial board and going through hours of deliberation about endorsing a political candidate.
Back in the good old days when a reporter and / or his city editor would think nothing of giving their lives to protect the integrity of a story, the responsibility of endorsing a politician weighed heavily on a newspaper.
But nowadays in the madness of proliferating fake news, there is a plethora of really weird stuff going on.
I mean... You just can't make this stink up ! It just intrudes. And we can't avoid the malodorous nature of it.
The fabled Los Angeles Times, once journalism's faultless Prince Gallant of muckrakers and government- replacers, has hoisted an unbelievable Gonfalon for editorial duplicity and hypocrisy..
The LATimes publishes-- as we can understand---two editions simultaneously. One is totally a Spanish-language edition and the other is all in English. (The Miami Herald which is considered an international newspaper, has done this for the past 50 years or so )
On Thursday, November 1, Spanish-language readers were treated to an enthusiastic endorsement of three Latino candidates .
And in the English edition the LATimes editorial board stringly endorsed the three white candidates opposing the three Hispanic politicians.
We bring you this bare-bones report to undergird all the claims and complaints from here to the nation's Capital and back for lo these many months about journalistic deceit.
And it isn't just proof of "fake news" or "Hybrid endorsement".
It is evidence that we have missed something.
It's possible these craven numbskulls do not know what they are doing OR how to do it.
We refer you to Breitbart.com for further development of this mordant morsel
Cut and Paste:
Back in the good old days when a reporter and / or his city editor would think nothing of giving their lives to protect the integrity of a story, the responsibility of endorsing a politician weighed heavily on a newspaper.
But nowadays in the madness of proliferating fake news, there is a plethora of really weird stuff going on.
I mean... You just can't make this stink up ! It just intrudes. And we can't avoid the malodorous nature of it.
The fabled Los Angeles Times, once journalism's faultless Prince Gallant of muckrakers and government- replacers, has hoisted an unbelievable Gonfalon for editorial duplicity and hypocrisy..
The LATimes publishes-- as we can understand---two editions simultaneously. One is totally a Spanish-language edition and the other is all in English. (The Miami Herald which is considered an international newspaper, has done this for the past 50 years or so )
On Thursday, November 1, Spanish-language readers were treated to an enthusiastic endorsement of three Latino candidates .
And in the English edition the LATimes editorial board stringly endorsed the three white candidates opposing the three Hispanic politicians.
We bring you this bare-bones report to undergird all the claims and complaints from here to the nation's Capital and back for lo these many months about journalistic deceit.
And it isn't just proof of "fake news" or "Hybrid endorsement".
It is evidence that we have missed something.
It's possible these craven numbskulls do not know what they are doing OR how to do it.
We refer you to Breitbart.com for further development of this mordant morsel
Cut and Paste:
Sunday, October 14, 2018
Jobs or Mobs...Sand or Slink
Pittsburgh Pennsylvania has always been symbolic of a certain basic American flavor--- an amalgamation of football mystique and philanthropy and literary grandeur marked by excellence in articulation and spirit.
Synonymous with steel , the land of the Three Rivers has brought forth Andrew Carnegie who literally made America a Land f Books and reading. Pittsburgh also gave us Mean Joe Green (by way of Texas) and Willa Cather and Annie Dillard, immortal writers of fiction and prose.
Now, in 2018, the area Democrat Party has found fit to immortalize the words of their erstwhile "party Executive Secretary", whom they "terminated" pr "fired" for composing his personal character motto. The former U.S Marine and Gulf War veteran, Mark Salvas wrote:
"I stand for my Flag and our Anthem ! I kneel for the Cross !"
And when his composition was discovered by local Dim / Socialist higher-ups, Salvas was told he was out of step with the Democrat party of 2018, and was dismissed.
In an interview, the Old Fashioned patriot son of Allegheny / Pittsburgh did not divulge how he will vote in November.
But, without fear of contradiction, we can see clearly the portent that many, many Americans who hear about Mark Salvas and his watchwords...and their payoff, will add them to two questions / slogans that have been adopted by all of the DEPLORABLES.
What will you do ? STAND...or slink and cringe ?
And the most powerful one:
Your Choice, America !
JOBS ? or MOBS ???
Pittsburgh Pennsylvania has always been symbolic of a certain basic American flavor--- an amalgamation of football mystique and philanthropy and literary grandeur marked by excellence in articulation and spitit.
Synonymous with steel , the land of the Three Rivers has brought forth Andrew Canegie who literally made America a Land f Books andreading. Pittsburgh also gave us Mean Joe Green (by way of Texas) and Willa Cather and Annie Dillard, immortal writers of fiction and prose.
Now, in 2018, the area;s Democrat Party has gound fit to immortalize the words of their erstwhile "party Executive Secretary, whom they "terminated" pr "fired for composing his personal characterologival motto. The fotmer U.S Marine and Gulf War veteran, Mark Salvas wrote:
"I stand for my Flag anbd our Anthem !I kneel for the Cross."
And when his composition was discovered by local Dim / Sovialist higher-ups, Sal;vas was told he was out of step with the emocat party of 2018, and was dismissed.
In an interview, the Old Fashionedatriot son of Allegheny / Pittsburgh did not divulge how he will vote in November.
But, without fear of cpntradiction, we an see clearly the portent that many, many mericans who hear about Mark Salvas and hiswatchwords...and their pauoff, will add them to two questions / slogans that have been adopted by all DEPLORABLES.
What do you want ? Tp STAND ?...pr to sulk and slink ?
And the post powerful one:
Your Choice, America ! JOBS or mobs
From Barco Nagurski to Frankie Simkwich, Charley Trippi and Franco Harris to Annie Dillard and ________ the flavor of Allegheny County is distinctly American- by- way- of- Poland- and- Italy.
Just this week in Pittsburgh, the money- powered sub birders all popular democracy that have enslaved former populist Democrats and used union shaming to maintain a power that is irrelevant, made a huge misstep that will cost the left wing political slavering carrion to remember abd RUE these October days.
They forcefully removed a local Pittsburgh chairperson who had rebelled against their lockstep hatred.
His name is Mark Salas, and a year ago he announced on internationally available social media that he would never "Kneel to insult the Anthem or flag....
From Barco Nagurski to Frankie Simkwich, Charley Trippi and Franco Harris to Annie Dillard and ________ the flavor of Allegheny County is distinctly American- by- way- of- Poland- and- Italy.
Just this week in Pittsburgh, the money- powered sub birders all popular democracy that have enslaved former populist Democrats and used union shaming to maintain a power that is irrelevant, made a huge misstep that will cost the left wing political slavering carrion to remember abd RUE these October days.
They forcefully removed a local Pittsburgh chairperson who had rebelled against their lockstep hatred.
His name is Mark Salas, and a year ago he announced on internationally available social media that he would never "Kneel to insult the Anthem or flag....
Synonymous with steel , the land of the Three Rivers has brought forth Andrew Carnegie who literally made America a Land f Books and reading. Pittsburgh also gave us Mean Joe Green (by way of Texas) and Willa Cather and Annie Dillard, immortal writers of fiction and prose.
Now, in 2018, the area Democrat Party has found fit to immortalize the words of their erstwhile "party Executive Secretary", whom they "terminated" pr "fired" for composing his personal character motto. The former U.S Marine and Gulf War veteran, Mark Salvas wrote:
"I stand for my Flag and our Anthem ! I kneel for the Cross !"
And when his composition was discovered by local Dim / Socialist higher-ups, Salvas was told he was out of step with the Democrat party of 2018, and was dismissed.
In an interview, the Old Fashioned patriot son of Allegheny / Pittsburgh did not divulge how he will vote in November.
But, without fear of contradiction, we can see clearly the portent that many, many Americans who hear about Mark Salvas and his watchwords...and their payoff, will add them to two questions / slogans that have been adopted by all of the DEPLORABLES.
What will you do ? STAND...or slink and cringe ?
And the most powerful one:
Your Choice, America !
JOBS ? or MOBS ???
Pittsburgh Pennsylvania has always been symbolic of a certain basic American flavor--- an amalgamation of football mystique and philanthropy and literary grandeur marked by excellence in articulation and spitit.
Synonymous with steel , the land of the Three Rivers has brought forth Andrew Canegie who literally made America a Land f Books andreading. Pittsburgh also gave us Mean Joe Green (by way of Texas) and Willa Cather and Annie Dillard, immortal writers of fiction and prose.
Now, in 2018, the area;s Democrat Party has gound fit to immortalize the words of their erstwhile "party Executive Secretary, whom they "terminated" pr "fired for composing his personal characterologival motto. The fotmer U.S Marine and Gulf War veteran, Mark Salvas wrote:
"I stand for my Flag anbd our Anthem !I kneel for the Cross."
And when his composition was discovered by local Dim / Sovialist higher-ups, Sal;vas was told he was out of step with the emocat party of 2018, and was dismissed.
In an interview, the Old Fashionedatriot son of Allegheny / Pittsburgh did not divulge how he will vote in November.
But, without fear of cpntradiction, we an see clearly the portent that many, many mericans who hear about Mark Salvas and hiswatchwords...and their pauoff, will add them to two questions / slogans that have been adopted by all DEPLORABLES.
What do you want ? Tp STAND ?...pr to sulk and slink ?
And the post powerful one:
Your Choice, America ! JOBS or mobs
From Barco Nagurski to Frankie Simkwich, Charley Trippi and Franco Harris to Annie Dillard and ________ the flavor of Allegheny County is distinctly American- by- way- of- Poland- and- Italy.
Just this week in Pittsburgh, the money- powered sub birders all popular democracy that have enslaved former populist Democrats and used union shaming to maintain a power that is irrelevant, made a huge misstep that will cost the left wing political slavering carrion to remember abd RUE these October days.
They forcefully removed a local Pittsburgh chairperson who had rebelled against their lockstep hatred.
His name is Mark Salas, and a year ago he announced on internationally available social media that he would never "Kneel to insult the Anthem or flag....
From Barco Nagurski to Frankie Simkwich, Charley Trippi and Franco Harris to Annie Dillard and ________ the flavor of Allegheny County is distinctly American- by- way- of- Poland- and- Italy.
Just this week in Pittsburgh, the money- powered sub birders all popular democracy that have enslaved former populist Democrats and used union shaming to maintain a power that is irrelevant, made a huge misstep that will cost the left wing political slavering carrion to remember abd RUE these October days.
They forcefully removed a local Pittsburgh chairperson who had rebelled against their lockstep hatred.
His name is Mark Salas, and a year ago he announced on internationally available social media that he would never "Kneel to insult the Anthem or flag....
Monday, October 08, 2018
The Bizarre Blessing
Do not query on who "THEY" are... But, they have been constantly urging us to take a lighter attitude toward the grimier facets of the
political circus.
Every time one side has a victory (like for instance having the whole intelligent population of the United States catch phony witnesses with no memory telling lies to the Senate...Or a drop of the unemployment rate to 3.4%...OR bringing Canada kicking and screaming back into NAFTA... The obstructionist side cowers down and plans mass assassinations.
It is difficult to reach for the cloak of Johnny Carson or Steve Martin, in an era when standup comedy is filth rather than finny...
However our wandering and sifting through the very rare pure news, has been rewarded with a prediction of great political pox handing toward a large stadium near you.
Various sources have reported that Bill and Hillary Clinton are embarking on a transcontinental "stadium" tour to "sew up" a victory for the left-wing socialist Democrat party in midterm congressional elections that are just about 25 days away.
This is obviously a stroke of Genius by some really crafty political operatives. But I didn't know that the GOP had any swift-handed, shuck-and-jjive artists who could pull something like this off.
Surely the Klinton Machina has been goaded somehow into placing what appears to be fudge-and- a-cherry on top of the Kavanaugh Sundae supplied by the shrieking dingbats and liars in the first week of October.
It is only natural to assume that self blandishment and blind narcissism baited the flawed couple into believing that they could practice continental Arkancide on our nation's Body Politic.
We shouldn't react at all. The trick will be to accept a stealthily as possible this great gift... A gift of such a magnitude that it could only be fashioned by an inchoate explosion of overblown, overripe-- and poorly surveyed Egos.
"Bless their little hearts" -- as we say in Georgia.
political circus.
Every time one side has a victory (like for instance having the whole intelligent population of the United States catch phony witnesses with no memory telling lies to the Senate...Or a drop of the unemployment rate to 3.4%...OR bringing Canada kicking and screaming back into NAFTA... The obstructionist side cowers down and plans mass assassinations.
It is difficult to reach for the cloak of Johnny Carson or Steve Martin, in an era when standup comedy is filth rather than finny...
However our wandering and sifting through the very rare pure news, has been rewarded with a prediction of great political pox handing toward a large stadium near you.
Various sources have reported that Bill and Hillary Clinton are embarking on a transcontinental "stadium" tour to "sew up" a victory for the left-wing socialist Democrat party in midterm congressional elections that are just about 25 days away.
This is obviously a stroke of Genius by some really crafty political operatives. But I didn't know that the GOP had any swift-handed, shuck-and-jjive artists who could pull something like this off.
Surely the Klinton Machina has been goaded somehow into placing what appears to be fudge-and- a-cherry on top of the Kavanaugh Sundae supplied by the shrieking dingbats and liars in the first week of October.
It is only natural to assume that self blandishment and blind narcissism baited the flawed couple into believing that they could practice continental Arkancide on our nation's Body Politic.
We shouldn't react at all. The trick will be to accept a stealthily as possible this great gift... A gift of such a magnitude that it could only be fashioned by an inchoate explosion of overblown, overripe-- and poorly surveyed Egos.
"Bless their little hearts" -- as we say in Georgia.
Tuesday, October 02, 2018
Could it Be ?
There is more than the fate of cuddly polar bear cubs and orca pods, tree frogs and feathery fern at stake in the acrid Global Warming debate.
We said so many times and so have people on both sides of the argument concerning "climate change".
But no one has pinpointed the Ghost-in- the-Machine as well as John Eidson of the Ameerican Thinker website.
Eidson has ferreted out the full-fleshed dedication of the Warmists to a much nastier goal than just trading in "Carbon Footprint Credits" and hustling windmills and solar panels.
The goal is to end capitalism everywhere on earth in a stealth of poison never reached by any anarchist, communist or nihilist conspiracy
anywhere. Many financial thinkers and economists have known this since the beginning of Al Gore's sophomoric attachment to the wild idea that activity by human beings controls global temperatures and, hence, climate.
If any prediction made by the "Warmists" in 1990 had come true, most of you reading this would probably be dead.
Here is Eidson's mother lode of a discovery:
The Hidden Agenda Behind "climate change" Hysteria
In comments that laid bare the hidden agenda behind global warming alarmism, Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of the U.N.'s
Framework Convention on Climate Change, let slip during a February 2015 press conference in Brussels that the U.N.'s real purpose in pushing
climate hysteria is to end capitalism throughout the world:
"This is the first time in human history that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally changing [getting rid of] the economic
development model that has reigned since the Industrial Revolution....."
There you have it, couched in the most blatant Globaloney since Clare Booth Luce invented the word !
Of course, president Donald J. Trump, a well documented idiot- buffoon who just happened to find his billions in wealth in a Central Park trash can, could never have known these weasels were hell-bent on destroying Western civilization when he opted out of the Paris "weather accords"....
Or....WAIT !....Maybe....
We said so many times and so have people on both sides of the argument concerning "climate change".
But no one has pinpointed the Ghost-in- the-Machine as well as John Eidson of the Ameerican Thinker website.
Eidson has ferreted out the full-fleshed dedication of the Warmists to a much nastier goal than just trading in "Carbon Footprint Credits" and hustling windmills and solar panels.
The goal is to end capitalism everywhere on earth in a stealth of poison never reached by any anarchist, communist or nihilist conspiracy
anywhere. Many financial thinkers and economists have known this since the beginning of Al Gore's sophomoric attachment to the wild idea that activity by human beings controls global temperatures and, hence, climate.
If any prediction made by the "Warmists" in 1990 had come true, most of you reading this would probably be dead.
Here is Eidson's mother lode of a discovery:
The Hidden Agenda Behind "climate change" Hysteria
In comments that laid bare the hidden agenda behind global warming alarmism, Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of the U.N.'s
Framework Convention on Climate Change, let slip during a February 2015 press conference in Brussels that the U.N.'s real purpose in pushing
climate hysteria is to end capitalism throughout the world:
"This is the first time in human history that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally changing [getting rid of] the economic
development model that has reigned since the Industrial Revolution....."
There you have it, couched in the most blatant Globaloney since Clare Booth Luce invented the word !
Of course, president Donald J. Trump, a well documented idiot- buffoon who just happened to find his billions in wealth in a Central Park trash can, could never have known these weasels were hell-bent on destroying Western civilization when he opted out of the Paris "weather accords"....
Or....WAIT !....Maybe....
Sunday, September 02, 2018
Have you heard about the latest insane atrocity committed by the left-wing, hate-America, globalist "artistes"?
They have made a movie about the first moon landing starring a glut of unknowns, with the title "FIRST MAN" and they are hustling it as an absolute "lock" for the Cannes Palme d'Or, the Golden Globe and the Oscar.
It's based on Neil Armstrong's role as the first human to set foot on the moon.
But, instead of a military hero, a patriot with humility to share honor with hundreds of thousands of Americans (not to mention millions of taxpayers) who made the achievement possible.. Armstrong is reincarnated as a social justice warrior "before his time".
There is NO SCENE in the film of Armstrong planning the American flag on the moon.
As it happens, my late wife Betts and I were in a hotel restaurant in Oban, Scotland that July when the lander touched down on our natural lunar satellite.
We had some friends there and there were nearly 100 Brits and Scots watching the landing on a larger than usual television set arranged for the entire dining room to see.
You will have to imagine, because I cannot faithfully express my feelings then. I had chill bumps, I wept, I hugged Betts and I really wanted to dance a jig.
But we were overwhelmed by the dining room crowd with I-don't-know-how-many toasts, how many "GOOD SHOW!" congratulations and how many unbridled and enthusiastic cheers we had from those usually stoic and unemotional folk.
But echoing Buzz Aldrin and General Chuck Yeager, I would like to plead that you stand with me and remember that it was not a UN flag, it was not a North Atlantic Treaty alliance flag... But Old Glory--- the Stars and Stripes first sewn by Betsy Ross in the 18th century, and flown over Fort McHenry in the 19th century when our national anthem was composed with this flag as its theme.
Also, as Chuck Yeager said regarding all this... "That is NOT the Neil Armstrong that I knew!" Aldrin "commented" on the film with a T-shirt that showed his comrade Armstrong planning the flag.
I trust that this attempt to demean... Nay, to ERASE the fact that the United States fulfilled John Fitzgerald Kennedy's prediction that we would reach the moon before 1970, will die aborning as multitudes doom the fraudulent film.
Insulting America with untrue news reporting is hideous enough to sicken a population. A venal attempt to rewrite History like a third-rate Soviet hack is criminal.
Thursday, August 16, 2018
Powerful Dem Sees No Great USA
Small people without balanced sense often reveal their emptiness before they can hide.
So it was with New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo this week when he told a crowd of sycophants and news men:
"We can't make America great again because America was NEVER that great."
What nation was it that took Great Britain's steam engine and weaving looms to burst forth and take control of the worldwide industrial revolution ?
What nation completed the capitalistic experiment, twisted it then straightened it out and shepherded international economic
advances ?
What nation gave its blood to save Western civilization in two world wars ?
What nation led the way in unlocking atomic and subatomic particle knowledge and showed how to exploit that knowledge for facile energy sources ?
What nation, unaided, placed humans on the moon ?
What nation encouraged and entertained literary talents like William Faulkner, Ernest Hemingway, Joseph Brodsky, Saul Bellow, Carson McCullers, Wila Cather, Flannery O' Connor and Eudora Welty, nudging aside Europeans and Orientals in superb literature ?
What nation gave trillions in money and matériel to reestablish European civilization after World War II ?
What nation bears the brunt of the wastrel ways of the United Nations in the face of the UN's preeminent contempt for the largesse ?
Methinks that Gov. Cuomo, who is said to be a possible 2020 presidential candidate and who speaks loud and influentially in high Democrat councils, has joined the painted-faced gangs of "occupy- anarchists" and anthem- hating kneelers who scream daily for "Death -to-the USA" in chorus with a Iranian mullahs and MS 13 gangsters.
Also, A.C. SHAMES and sullies his brilliant Father's name. Mario Cuomo was a heart-halting orator and a patriot who loved his country with all his Being ! He would thrash k'l Andy's arse.
So let it be that Americans treat THIS Cuomo's power dreams in his kind.
That alone is a giant step toward keeping America Great Again !
Thursday, August 02, 2018
Is There an answer ?
Watching the video of the U.S.democrat senator who was "confused" because she had believed President Trump was the "inventor" of ICE and its policies and embarrassed to become aware of her stupidity, I sopped to reflect, as we all should, on present day unraveling of Reason in the USA.
Having been around for nine decades, and a consumer of news reports for more than 80 years, it was an emetic shock to hear news gatherers from CNN and Politico potty-mouth with a "broad-brush" the huge Tampa crowd as "a bunch of toothless garbage people".
And another credentialed reporter insisted the Trump enthusiasts were ALL Ku Klux Klan leaders and Nazis.
These media types, both born in the 70's wouldn't know a KKK predator or a Sturmfuhrer in real flesh...OR in real action.
When did it become de rigeur for media men to curse and excoriate free Americans at pique or whim ?
And while we are at it, why is Paul Manafort being persecuted for having a lot of $$$ and rich tastes while crooked, conspiring FBI operatives are walking around unscathed ?
....After "Texting" like THIS:
Her inquisitive "POTUS" was OBAMA.
Thursday, July 26, 2018
If you are wondering why FACEBOOK is spiraling out of existence you need look no farther than the content of this linked news story:
A large group of shareholders, media and gate-crashers gathered so company spokesmen could 'splain why the stock is tanking and millions of users are cancelling.
One complainer suggested the cherry-picking practice of choosing which liar to block or censor might be the reason.
The FACEBOOK bigshot replied that it was a natter of stature.
He said "authentic" people could carry the burden of untruth !
THAT's the excuse for spreading and protecting liberal-socialist lies ?
Jake Tapper, Joy Reid and Kathy Griffin with her bloody Trump head are "authentic" ?
Judge Andrew Napolitano is not. Censor de Jedge !
I wish George Orwell coild see this...Here are his pigs who are MORE EQUAL than other pigs !
I hope this is an object lesson for all the weasels and shysters who have been flim-flamming the TV channels with Oink-Speeak.
Should we expect an Epiphany by / for the Masters of the Universe ?
Probably not. A wise historian once said "The Avenues of Progress Are Paved With Funerals..."
Saturday, July 07, 2018
New Twist by AssPress
It has been suggested that modernity has passed us by.
Certainly for those of us who never saw a newspaper or TV medium make up stuff and disseminate it as news, it is true.
But having been literally wened on the assumption that the Associated Press is a sacrosanct source of solid news, these are disquieting days... And years.
On Saturday the Pentagon had to explain to a not-too-interested media that it is NOT discharging, en masse, immigrants qualifying for citizenship through military service.
The Associated Press, apparently egged on by a prestigious Clinton / Obama law firm, and mischievous left wing politicians, had carried a story accusing the Pentagon of mass-discharge of all "foreigners" in the process of serving in the armed services to gain American citizenship.
The program was set up by the Obama administration in 2009, supposedly to take advantage of those people with language abilities and cultural insights that would strengthen armed services security.
For a full story, click here:
The Pentagon supplied evidence that only security risks had been discharged due to ongoing regulation background inquiries. Still the Associated Press was enervated by the invasion of its news gathering process by the powerful Democrat left wing law firm of Perkins-Coie.
Surely, we have entered some sort of Twilight-PLUS Zone when shysters exert power and prestige that overdarkens our military defense establishment.
Originally the beneficiaries of the citizenship-for-service arrangement were Afghans, Pakistani, Iranians and Eastern Europeans. Lately there have been many Central Americans and Asians in the program.
It should mollify most Americans to have stringent military counterintelligence screening of each individual applicant in this program.
We should not bend the rules----or our knees--- to Perkins-Coie or the AssPress.
Certainly for those of us who never saw a newspaper or TV medium make up stuff and disseminate it as news, it is true.
But having been literally wened on the assumption that the Associated Press is a sacrosanct source of solid news, these are disquieting days... And years.
On Saturday the Pentagon had to explain to a not-too-interested media that it is NOT discharging, en masse, immigrants qualifying for citizenship through military service.
The Associated Press, apparently egged on by a prestigious Clinton / Obama law firm, and mischievous left wing politicians, had carried a story accusing the Pentagon of mass-discharge of all "foreigners" in the process of serving in the armed services to gain American citizenship.
The program was set up by the Obama administration in 2009, supposedly to take advantage of those people with language abilities and cultural insights that would strengthen armed services security.
For a full story, click here:
The Pentagon supplied evidence that only security risks had been discharged due to ongoing regulation background inquiries. Still the Associated Press was enervated by the invasion of its news gathering process by the powerful Democrat left wing law firm of Perkins-Coie.
Surely, we have entered some sort of Twilight-PLUS Zone when shysters exert power and prestige that overdarkens our military defense establishment.
Originally the beneficiaries of the citizenship-for-service arrangement were Afghans, Pakistani, Iranians and Eastern Europeans. Lately there have been many Central Americans and Asians in the program.
It should mollify most Americans to have stringent military counterintelligence screening of each individual applicant in this program.
We should not bend the rules----or our knees--- to Perkins-Coie or the AssPress.
Tuesday, June 26, 2018
Happened One Tuesday...
Scoping the social landscape on Tuesday, June 26 it became obvious to this fossil-scrivener that--- and some friends and some detractors have hinted, some of us have been "too long at life's Gala..."
The shrinkage of our earth has never been more poisonously projected than in the shooting of a man from New Zealand by a Goochland, Virginia matron when the 24-year-old globetrotter tossed a brick through a glass door, trying to get at her 14-year-old daughter with whom he had been "carrying on" on the Internet.
Mom hit him in the neck and he was hospitalized but if he survives the will face multiple charges including murderous assault and home invasion. Friends of his told authorities he might have been on psychotropic drugs and that he was "a loner".
Let's take this "tail / Tale" and pin it on an Ass, as we used to do in kindergarten.
Just play that scenario against the backdrop of another mentally ill person afflicted with echolalia and delusion who is, aided by similarly afflicted communications culprits, exhorting mobs to "harass"ALL with whom they disagree.
Various sick minds in television's wasteland have offered delighted support to this threatened Mob-O-Cratic plpy.
For anyone who lived in the 70s and saw such harassment deteriorate into fatal bombings of police by left wing crazies like Obama's friend Bill Ayers and his wife, the prospect of this vicious goading and its inescapable denoument is soul-shrivellinng.
Taking all the Tuesday news into account, the decision by the Supreme Court that the president of the United States has sovereign power to regulate some international travel by dangerous individuals comes just in time.
There are many thousands of people a lot closer than New Zealand who are much crazier than the Goochland brute. They will jump at the chance to broaden and coarsen the call of the wild woman and her supporters. And these killers will take up any banner, pretend any cause if it leads to bloodshed.
Are we ancient dinosaurs and fossils the only hearts convinced of this danger, because our time is so short ?
Maybe not. There are many baby boomers still around who just barely escaped blowing themselves up in 1968 and 1972 while planning some "harassment".
Tuesday, June 19, 2018
IOWA---Foreign Country ?
Let me tell you when I turned off the Senate hearing on FBI and DoJ treachery.
It was when someone asked another DC swamp dweller where disgraced ex-FBI diorector Jim Comey was. Why wasn't he here for the hearing..
The answer was:
"Oh, he's out of the country... .I believe he is somewhere in Iowa !"
And there you have the whole problem, wrapped up in tissue paper with sparkles and a red ribbon.
No inbred denizen of the District of Columbia swap recognizes anything anywhere that is NOT Washington, New York or California.
This fetid and poisonous attitude bubble also imprisons incurious scriveners and localizers of the big left-wing print media (what's left of it) and all of the alphabet television outlets.
You will see CNN on the screens of ubiquitous TV sets in the Des Moines and Ashtabula airports (because CNN gives the airlines a free stage) but 95% of the people who "DO" the news can neither locate Hennepin County as the locale of a metropolis in Minnesota---OR pronounce it correctly without a gazetteer.
One can almost literally bathe oneself in the disdain and contempt with which the "presenters" articulate "Memphis", "Atlanta", "Tulsa" or "Shreveport"--- unless, of course some wild pothead-mad has shot up a schoolhouse in the area. THEN, they do their homework and get the name just right.
The sophomoric cretins in charge of evaluating and disseminating information to you and your children on the screen as well as the dying print rags rarely know the first rules of constructing a story but they have their eyes focused on Los Angeles and Manhattan or the nation's Capital as their future point of no return and only a minority of them are trained to professional acuity in journalism.
They end up forgotten like Megan Kelly, or switch to stand-up comedy and become Kathy Griffin or Kimmey Jmmell.
Nowadays, it is a sad fact that people you see on television under the age of 30 are holding their breath just waiting for the moment when they can scream a nasty four-letter word on coast-to-coast hook up. What a powerful ambition that is !
But it won't play in Des Moine on Waco or Bloomington.
Tuesday, June 12, 2018
Our Dumb and Dumber
It is with heavy heart that we report on a story from The.Times of London that undergirds every suspicion held in this corner and by many of our friends and readers that our youngsters are dumb and dumber these days.
There is a caveat for the educationoids to hide behind: “Maybe the very NATURE of intelligence has changed since 1970...."
The yer 1975 is the benchmark year that this collection of “scholars” and auditors chose to be when people read books and talked to one another and learned math and languages in a traditional manner.
One of the remarkable findings was that the IQ scores of those who had a well-developed reading habit— whether they were mathematical “Brains” or not— scored with higher IQs.
(It has been discussed here before that modern architecture does not include plans for bookcases in "basic ordinary" houses— but just “on demand”!
The full story at the digital site of the T O L was blocked by a pay wall, but here is what was available to us:
The IQ scores of young people have begun to fall after rising steadily since the Second World War, according to the first authoritative study of the phenomenon.
The decline, which is equivalent to at least seven points per generation, is thought to have started with the cohort born in 1975, who reached adulthood in the early Nineties.
Scientists say that the deterioration could be down to changes in the way maths and languages are taught, or to a shift from reading books to spending time on television and computers.
“Yet it is also possible that the nature of intelligence is changing in the digital age and cannot be captured with traditional IQ tests. The turning point marks the end of a well-known but poorly understood thesis.”
With things the way they are in the real world of the government educationoids, who are basically in DENIAL about the vital relevancy of IQ measurement and are WEDDED to indecipherable apparatuses in the instruction of usable language and basic math, the situation can only get worse and produce a false elite until the young, of their own volition decide they really want to communicate with one another in fundamental and clear language and reciprocally understood basic mathematics.
We perceive the smug and sanctimonious DENIAL to be the arch enemy of any extrication of our youth from this deathdealing dismal Swamp of irresponsibility and the "divisions" and lassitude among parents to be apparently irreversible.
Tuesday, June 05, 2018
Can you imagine the excitement and pride in the hearts of a family that has produced its first professional businessman and all the generations in memory.
The years of preparation and public school... The years toiling as an apprentice in a profession besought with trial and error, success and failure...
And finally, the apprenticeship is architecturally sound and the application form professional license is made.
Then an extended period of examination including actual testing of former projects and and interviews of former supervisors and clients.
The exalted "board" of examiners finally gives the applicant and affirmative judgment and he is issued a business license in the form of a "bonded" degree-diploma type certification
suitable for handling....nay...REQUIRED to be on old business premises.
And it announces the certified person as:
G E N E R A K C O O N T R A C T O R !!!
This happened in the city of Compton, state of California. And now without further research into the Genesis of this illiterate and ignorant appellation of horror--- incontrovertible
evidence of our society's slouch toward entropy, we reproduce the unedited photograph of the certificate we found on a libertarian website.
Wednesday, May 30, 2018
Twisted "Gag" Order
The Tommy Robinson drama is a big deal.
The Islam-Jihad loving British have been looking to silence his crusade against murderous pedophilia for some time now.
They got their "cause" at a Leeds trial of Muslim criminals where he was freely hanging out the filthy linen of the culprits involved in degradation of children and women.
The judiciary sentenced Robinson to 13 months in jail for reporting the testimony and the charges.
Then, the court imposed the traditional British "gag order" criminalizing any public discussion of Robinson's reportage or his subsequent punishment.
In other words, they did what every major left-leaning United States media outlet wishes it could do.... "Make it never have happened" !!!
On Wednesday, after what newspaper and wire service reports called "a worldwide explosion of criticism", the gag order ban on editorial comment or coverage of Tommy Robinson was lifted.
Media weasels immediately painted to this as an attempt by the powers that be in Britain to recapture some semblance of "fairness".
But I see it as simply a ploy by which the boot-licking Muslim loving lackeys in the UK will be free to pour their not-inconsiderable nasty wrath on Tommy Robinson and his supporters... And of course in this war like atmosphere TRUTH will be the first casualty.
The rescinding of the gag order will turn out to be just another ham-fiisted strategy to cozen the iniquitous digestion of the United Kingdom by a traditional oriental religious conspiracy.
Other nations with small but locally powerful enclaves of death loving zealots should... But will probably NOT... pay attention.
Sunday, May 13, 2018
A HUGE Tattle-Tale
Our president DOES have a freakishly shocking crash-and-burn essence to his foreign policy almost everyone will admit.
But the great Klaxoms of public information never report (because they cannot abide truth in action) the extent to which DJT brings to their knees in infantile gibberish, the international Society of TippyyToes and embassy Dainty Ones who eschew a simple yes or no and hide in nuance.
On Saturday, the highest non-Mullah "security" spokesman for the Iranian regime made a dire threat against all European countries who rubber-stamped Obama's limpwristed deal on nukes... And theyare now squealing at the US for opting out of that particular agreement.
Identified as Hossein, this Iranian version of our James Comey said that if Europe and people like John Kerry in the United States do not "force" the Trump administration to accept the
"post-facto" agreement....Why, THEN he will divulge the names and amounts of all the "MANY" bribes that Iran paid for the EU sycophancy !!!
Thus, the rot and nasty of the Old World game of diplomacy has been reduced to schoolyard-toddler transparency:
"I'm GONNA TELL !!!!!"
With all my heart, I pray: PLEASE DO !!! Oh, LORDY...PLESSE DO !
Tuesday, May 08, 2018
Are We Too Big For Our Britches ?
This blog post will end a four-week hiatus during which time we considered just winding up the 14 years of the Depot's existence with a funny story.
Surveying the landscape, the only funny thing we experienced was our own halting, befuddled gait.
Somewhere during the blogless weeks one of our inspirations teased us into considering "what would have happened to our nation if the rule of Law had been suspended in Palm Beach County Florida in 2000 A.D (C.E.) if a handful of "Hanging Chads" had been adjudicated to hang in a different direction !
We've never been excited by "Whut Ifff ? or "Cudda-Wudda-Shudda-Hadda" speculation, for sure... But the desert wasteland visions provoked by such a wonderment parches our soul.
On the other hand, the United Kingdom's killing of little Alfie and the serious health threats of my dearest friend and a gallant former Boy Scout troop member have preoccupied our waking and near-slumber musings.
There are too many instances of these "brain-dead" people accidentally surviving the arrogance of clinicians who really just do not know what they do not know.
Arguing about the "ethics" of life choices is fine exercise. But basing such arguments on "absolute" knowledge is a slippery slope which always seems to err on the side of a ghostlike
evanescence of "Thrift"-- saving time or money.
All of the intransigent ideologies that block personal relationships and provoke race and class divorcement can be traced to some conspiracy to devalue individuality for the promotion
of some supposedly facile groupthink that leads inevitably to sterility and dissolution of community.
It's probably too late, but in past centuries, humanity has been salvaged again and again by Renaissance or revolution based on the ineluctable complexity of the human mind and Société
reaffirming faith in Liberty, Parity and Solidarity.
But first the Warriors must cease their venal exhortations and "lay down their swords and shields "Down by the Riverside to Study War no More..."
In a shrinking world community led by Solipsists-on-Steroid-Hubris, all claiming "Science" as personal and private Ally, this outcome is unlikely.
Wednesday, April 04, 2018
The 77% Non-Solution
The Fact that 77% of the American population believes all sources of news are corrupt and regularly disseminates "fake news" might be shocking to some who have not been paying attention.
That this huge majority of content consumers has grown from 63% a year ago might be more surprising.
But, what dumbfounds those of us who watch the wire services and the "newspapers-of-record" and the alphabet networks along with CNN... Is that there is apparently still a little less than one fourth of us who do NOT accept media lies and corruption for what it is--- and what it is is, really, treachery most vile.
Nathaniel Church wrote:
Poll: 77 Percent Believe Traditional Media Guilty of Fake News
(breitbart) ^ | By NATE CHURCH
Posted on 4/4/2018, 7:07:51 AM by davikkm
According to a survey by the Monmouth University Polling Institute, the vast majority of Americans believe that mainstream media outlets report “fake news.” A whopping 77 percent of over 800 respondents relayed their distrust for major news organizations in both television and print — a marked increase from the 63 percent that was already skeptical a year ago. Of those, 31 percent believe it to be a regular occurrence, while 46 percent see it as a more occasional issue.
83 percent of those questioned believe that special interest groups intentionally seek to implant the mainstream news cycle with false information. Moreso, 87 percent believe that those same forces influence social media such as Facebook, as well as YouTube.
Suspicion is not divided along party lines, though differences still exist. While Republicans are most convinced of the media’s impure intentions, with a pervasive 89 percent distrusting mainstream news networks, Democrats are now 61 percent in agreement, up double digits from just 43 percent a year ago. Those not affiliated with either party maintain a healthy skepticism of their own. Last year, 66 percent of independent voters already distrusted the media. This year, it risen to 82 percent.
If I wasn't composing this, I would be asking a lot of questions. The first one would be "What took you so long ?!!"
The second would be, how does that 23% who still BELIEVE reporters, talking heads and "ankers" correlate with the blind, the deaf and/or the completely handicapped and unintended homeless lost in the echo chamber of CNN in the warm security of an airport waiting room or other institutional shelter.
One of the laymen's definitions for an unsound mind is its compulsion to try the same solution over and over again no matter how many failures one suffers. I've always wondered where sick denial leaves off and Nixonesque dementia begins.
Since it is humanly impossible to be rigidly rational and evenhanded when one is forcefed a conspiracy that offers nothing but untruths to buttress falsity , let us show mercy to this deceased equine and look to the future.
The question naturally arises, when will these miscreants take ownership of their sins and join those of us who have toiled through their waste ?
I can answer that. Never !
Tuesday, March 27, 2018
According to the New York Times, Commerce secretary Wilbur Ross has just placed POTUS Donald Trump in jeopardy of another impeachable offense !
Ross has required that the 2020 census MUST include the question: "Are you a citizen of the United States"?
This query has not been made of census respondents in the last two head- countings and re-adopting the question was excuse for hot debate in the Census Bureau and the Commerce Department.
The terms "bureaucrat" and "Deep State" are synonymous with "Political Correctness", "Amnesty" and "Sanctuary".
It is not pleasant or comfortable for the mind to ponder how many of the 350 million in the 50 states KNOW that citizenship has been marginalized to that extent as a qualification (akin to a resultant quantification) for keeping tabs on the righteous binnacle of the Ship of State.
After the election of 1800 when Jefferson defeated Adams and accepted Aaron Burr as his vice president, the pragmatic modus operandus was "to the victor belongs the spoils..."
And so there was a Hegira of sorts... A replacement of friends and cronies by the Federalists and the Democratic Republicans until the time of Andrew Jackson when it became the Democrats teaching the Whigs bitter lessons in wholesale replacement of drones in the District of Columbia.
Trump is already in trouble for removing the Carnival Patina from Obamacare and finally dissolving it. The only thing that ranks higher as a reason for his impeachment is Trump's election victory, ang sisich !
The very effrontery of bringing the Nork Madboy to a conference table is certainly a sub Rosa rationale for impeachment
And finally, how dare ANYONE reinstitute TARIFF protection for United States workers ?
Seen from here, the hilarity and far-fetched embarrassment of the Stormy TIME-Paddling rises rather starkly against all these governance atrocities.
I mean.... Who ever heard of asking a person's citizenship in a CENSUS ???
It's soooooooo 20th Century Passe'.
Sunday, March 18, 2018
Joey and Diversity
One of the most endearing-- and enduring-- memories I have of Joey is that of a 16-year-old male, complexly and loose ends during a summer vacation visit to St. Simons Island, he met a pretty 15-year-old girl at a record shop listening to a Benny Goodman sextet platter and he became very fond of her, met her parents and took
her to a drugstore soda fountain. They had a lot of likes and dislikes in common .
At the time he was really in thick with the Ken Harris Orchestra and Joe Denton, the vocalist, had a summerlong gig at the King and Prince Hotel on the island.
They must've had a spy, because a couple of horn players started teasing him, "Johwee-Johwee-- got kissed by the hare-lipped girl...Oh My !"
"Shut up stupid!," Was Joey's defensive answer. "She has a small defect in the roof of her mouth, that's all. Besides, she's brilliant and she's beautiful."
They went on honking at Joey but they couldn't get him angry. She was from Stone Mountain and they corresponded until he went to college.
Many years later, Joey said he made all of his society / fraternity friends angry when he went traipsing off with two Jews and a Greek, to navigate Atlanta's area transportation system (Trolleys !) from Marrieta to Stone Mountain, and he doesn't remember thinking of her. But he DID !
The Jews were Ike Dreizen and Jerry Berman. The Greek was Photis Nikkolos. Lasting mutual bonds ensued.
That was the way he was. He postponed a homage visit to Helen Morgan singing seated on a piano at the Rrainbow Room to eat his first Lebanese meal at Charlie Maloof's home.
He just tacked through life's Headwind pushing aside norms and expectations like crumbs from his sweater... Always preferring an authentic EXPERIENCE.
So, Joey DID "diversity" before it became a "Social Imperative.""
Friday, March 09, 2018
Random Gallant Blessing For Us
This is a story about two American Texans who just happened to cross paths at the Waffle House in their hometown of La Marque, near Galveston.
Adrian Charpentier is a living, breathing specific specimen of the "Old White Man". He is 80-ish, stumbles and mumbles a lot.
Evoni Williams is an 18-year old African-American high school graduate who hasn't missed a day at work in the local Waffle House since she got her diploma. She is saving every penny she earns for college education in business administration "no matter how long it takes..."
When Charpentier struggled to his seat at her counter, Evoni took his order and when she served him, she routinely asked if he needed anything else.
More to make conversation than anything else, the elderly Charpentier answered self-deprecatingly: "My hands don't work too good and people laugh at me stabbing my meat instead of slicing it.."
Despite the rush around her, Evoni took her time preparing the plate with morsels... bites.
That's when someone took a photograph of the interaction between the two. Television stations later uncovered some poor security cam footage.
The important thing is that on social media, "viral" was too tame a word for the speed-of-light sharing of this simple tableau.
My first reaction to the story was "What's the big deal ? We have been cutting up and fixin' food nice old folks ever since I can remember... And now my sons and grandsons and their wives cut away gristle and such for my toothless pleasure.
Then I realized that the Twitter and Facebook millennials have never seen this sort of behavior before. For them and what I call The SWIFT Society, a random act of kindness, like publishing the Truth, is revolutionary... Insurrection!! And here was a dark skinned woman exchanging down-home understanding in a public place in the year-of-our Trump, 2018!!!
Econi said: "I was not raised to bash anybody. I was raised to be kind and do good and spread blessings."
And here is the magnificent truth: Evonmi will MEVER change...no matter what. I know because I have known her for all of my life and she is as much a part of me as my pulse.
A lot of good things happened as the result of the publicity.
Naturally the local mayor had to pontificate, and everybody said good words and shed honest tears. (The Shock of Recognition.)
The very intelligent leadership at Texas Southern University produced exactly the right and fitting miracle for Evoni---a $16,000 scholarship for her degree. And Evoni is rapturously grateful.
BUT, she warned, she is not giving up her Waffle House shift. NO Way !
Sunday, February 25, 2018
Di-Fi Too Tame For Cal-Dems !
No trait or characteristic so exactly defines the soul of collectivist totalitarian doctrine as does the reaction of devoted HIVE drones to the noncompliance of a fellow revolutionary with blind standards of belief.
The unruly cell member is "dropped" like a hot horseshoe by a vacant-eyed idiot at a blacksmith's forge.
The most powerful example in history--- and I was there!!!-- Was when Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin signed a nonaggression pact as Hitler devoured Austria Czechoslovakia and invaded Poland.
If one had been prescient enough (and few commentators were), one could have identified communists and communist sympathizers in the United States by their attitude and subsequent protests for "peace at any price".
But when Hitler thrust his Teutonic sword up Russia's backsides with a massive and murderous invasion...ALL the "peace at any price" screamers became bloodthirsty warmongers, denouncing President Franklin Roosevelt for his timidity !
There are few around now who really experienced this. But it is regarded by historians as a major clue to the strength of the old "Comintern", for the uproar to demolish Hitler and Nazi Germany became a worldwide enthusiasm as the Germans plodded toward Stalingrad and Moscow.
Now in 2018, right here in the United States... Specifically in California we have a similar tableau.
Sen. Dianne Feinstein, has served the Democratic Party and her nation since just after the Harvey Milk murder and scandal when she was a Supervisor in the San Francisco city government. Since that time, she has been true to every principle she voiced when she first ran for the Senate.
She is noted for being a gun- toter and a second amendment supporter-- actually she is a thoroughgoing constitutionalist.
And, with the possible exception of Sen. Chuck Grassley (R. IA) Feinstein, as the ranking member of Senate Intelligence, knows where all the bodies are buried--both Democrat and Republican. Even her critics will tell you she is one tough cookie and hard to mislead or con.
That would mean she has the truth of the Obama / Clinton / Holder / Comey / Steele / Fusion GPS / FISA court manipulations. And her "Truth" probably does not square with the version hawked by Congressman Schiff and House Democrats.
Therefore, she will be discarded. California "Progressive" Panjanrums have already chosen her successor. He is Kevin De Leon, the son of two illegal aliens who entered the United States some years ago and citizenship cases like his have yet to be adjudicated. But that won't matter, because when he is elected,
Di-Fi will be gone and California Dreaming will be
fait accompli !
THAT is the HIVE for you in a nutshell.
Is it a peek into the future for the other 49 states ?
Saturday, February 17, 2018
Snowflake Destruction
Fort Lauderdale's Sun Sentinel reported Saturday that the Broward school board is seriously considering tearing down the three-story building where Nikolas Cruz slaughtered 17 people and wounded scores more, actually fulfilling predictions made by students and families to the FBI concerning the troubled, expelled, medicated Cruz.
There is no way to quantify the emotions of thousands in the community affected by the dereliction of duty by those paid and prepared to serve and protect the innocent from just this kind of depravity. None of us should presume to judge the knee-jerk panicky reaction:
"Make it not SO !!! Make the fkashbacks go away !"
The view here is that brick and mortar and glass and metal have nothing to do with what happened at the hands of a sick madman.
We really ought to raze and dissolve the conditions under which an angry self-destructive and violently antisocial person was suckled at the breast of political correctness by local law enforcement which had visited Cruz' home 39 times in recent months and the FBI, which was alerted to the specific intentions of this man by sober and competent adult families.
Surely this "snowflake" descent into unreasonable flagellation is not unlike society's decision to never build another ocean liner after the Titanic sank. On the way the nation sprang to action and outlawed railroad commerce after Casey Jones' ill-fated derailment of old number whatever.
Maybe I've got the history wrong, but the analogy stings, nevertheless.
Instead of tearing down things in a wastrel binmge of self absorption, why not build something new, something glistening... Something durable and uplifting. A hallowed memorial to the coach who thrust his breast and heart between bullets from Cruz' weapon and the sobbing throats of his boys and girls behind him ?
I remember some doggerel- like rhymes of Vachel Lindsey in the roaring 20s...
"Someone's always breaking windows... Someone's always throwing bricks..
"Someone's always causing trouble... Playing nasty YAHOO tricks..."
Pray we all breathe deeply and task our souls with creating and building... NEVER answering the malady of madness with useless desecration.
Friday, February 09, 2018
Land o the Bumper Cars
Efforts by corporate activists to resist or joust with the president are sinking to a silliness lower than reductio ad absurdum !
The Peacock network (NBC) which once gave America the greatest tandem of talent professional news men ever on television has lately been the bought-and-paid-for purveyor of putrescent propaganda.
Somewhere Chet Huntly and David Brinkley are spinning out of control in their paradise newsroom. For, their hallowed home, the oldest and most experienced broadcast network in America, has been traduced by pygmies from a sketchy cable company that has managed to despoil even what was supposed to be a joint "Magnus" with Bill Gates.
Almost concurrent with the arrival and debriefing of ill, crippled and haunted defectors from North Korea and dictator Kim Jung un, the Peacock network sent a young fellow to report from Pyongyang in an obvious effort to buff and polish the content of that Outhouse Autocracy.
There were two takeaways from the resulting report by the eager reporter that left him and his bosses nekkid , awkward and irrelevant.
One was when the most exciting and popular "ride" he could find at the National Park was (I kid you NOT) -- the BUMPER CARS !
He was surprised at how vigorously the North Koreans exploited their chance to gang up on him. Gee Whizzeoo!!!
The second moment of import and undiluted information came when the reporter asked a wise looking young NK citizen how he "felt" about tensions and / or the Winter Olympics across the DMZ line in South Korea.
The Nork's answer was:
"I will give my last drop of blood to kill all the Americans for our dear leader !"
Obviously, the distilled truth of NBC's visit with the "people" of Pyongyang is ambiguous ...that they don't know what they're doing. And they don't care.
Friday, February 02, 2018
If you were shocked, embarrassed and ashamed at hearing that supposedly professional attorneys and investigators in the highest realm of America's government are guilty of plotting and conspiring to bring about the downfall of a presidential candidate, then you are a very bright, attentive and productive American citizen.
Part of being productive is amassing all of one's moral and ethical strength to honor pristine public servants and to, at the same time, excoriate and punish the divisive and dishonest leeches in the bureaucratic swamp.
And, apparently, that process has just begun and will find its fruition when all American citizens deep-six partisan blinders and support the dauntless legislative investigators who are hot on the trail of the bought-and-paid-for solicitors of perjury...traitors to the U.S. Constitution.
The current "memo" is just the tip of a tumultuous seething volcanic peak of mammoth proportions.
Could there be anything worse for the health of earth's first and most successful free Republic?
As a matter of fact, there is.
When the president addressed the nation on the state of the union in the House of Representatives, and proclaimed the highest job market in this century and the richest ore of black American job creation, nearly half of those present sat on their hands gloomily stonefaced, silent and obviously very very angry.
Let me tell you... That was not just TDH ! (Trump Derangement Hatred)
It was cold, flopsweat FEAR !
The fact that there are fewer people depending on food stamps, and fewer people unemployed and more jobs in the small business complex where the great majority of jobs actually lie---ALL these new and revolutionary occurrences mean that those who sat stonily silent in the Capitol that night are losing their chokehold on their plantation. Because that is what the Democrat party's margin of victory has been.
And right now, hatred is being fueled by panic as the formerly dependent find their footing in a competitive community with more and more dignity, more and more jobs, more and more taxpayers and less and less hopelessness.
Americans WANT jobs and a productive existence. There is not a psychologist on earth who will not tell you that the deepest, richest yearning for most humans is personal economic responsibility and freedom.
This is apparently a lost concept to one of the United States' partisan organizations whose very existence depends on promising pie-in-the-sky-it's-a-LIE-- and $ marks for votes. In fact, we may be in a close race with mesmerized indolence and just marginally ahead of a dark age.
Nothing can quantify our plight and the product of entitlement- governance as well as a tableau captured and replayed on the most-watched news channel this past week. A street reporter with a live microphone and a videotaping sidekick approached the most gymnastic and overwhelmingly vocal, shrieking demonstrator.
The inquiring TV journalist asked the screamer: "And so, what are you protesting ?"
After a couple of seconds of confused silence, and some bugeyed glances aroumd her, the fist-waver answered:
"Well, like-- EVERYTHING !!!!"
Saturday, January 20, 2018
March of the Ediuvationoids
James Comey, the former Federal Bureau of Investigation director who was fired last year by U.S. President Donald Trump, will teach a course on ethical leadership at the College of William and Mary in Virginia, the school said on Friday. “Ethical leaders lead by seeing above the short term, above the urgent or the partisan, and with a higher loyalty to lasting values, most importantly the truth,” Comey said in a statement released by the college, the country’s second oldest. Comey graduated from William & Mary in 1984 with a double major in chemistry and religion. (Reuters--1-20-2018)
Oh, what a peachy- keen idea. The USA's second oldest institution of higher learning is dying a discredited and suspected hypocritical manipulator of facts and motives to teach mushy brained that boys and sororoty sweethearts the difference between right and wrong !
This is obviously a practical joke, RIGHT ?
Oh.. Wait !! It's what higher education DOES in the 21st century hereabouts.
Your local fish wrapper did not do a banner headline on this gem of a PR train wreck and your perky,
Palsy -Welty talking head hasn't mentioned it yet.
BUT, we can casually predict some further appointments stemming from the academic Left's clueless wondering in the wilderness of Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Sirhan Sirhand, of first murderous Islamic terrorist, will be released from prison to "do" seminars on how to assassinate presidential candidates in the name of a "religion of peace".
Alcee Hastings, and impeached- and- found- guilty federal judge now serving in Congress, may be elevated to a position in the Department of Defense Command and General Staff school to tutor courts-martial members on military Justice guidelines.
Former Democratic presidential hopeful John Edwards can be cajoled into distilling his wisdom and experience into a brief course on "The Ultimate Marriage and Conjugal Fifelity.
Matt Lauer and Harvey Weinstein, of course will be top-notch professors of "Restraint and Primacy of Virtue in the Workplace" --- a year-long course for coeducational classes at Columbia University in New York City.
For the unboggled mind, the possibilities are as promising as those of another Secretariat thoroughbred.
Bill and Hillary on "Faith and Fidelity. Venezuela's Maduro on "Ruling with Gentle Compassion", and Raul Castro could reveal his nation's secrets on "How to Assassinate a U. S. President with Impunity".
I tell you, the backlog of treasured teachers and professors with pomposity is virtually inexhaustible.
Send in your nominations for the next great wave of educationoids, sans portfolio.
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