Saturday, December 31, 2016
Dr. Samuel Johnson famously said that "..... patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel", but I wonder how many people imminently threatened by death, rape, mayhem or disfigurement by drug-crazed jihadists would endorse the substitution of the word "nationalist" for "patriotism".
Since I first became familiar with Abigail Adams and her correspondents with John, their reverence for their little home in Braintree, along with their attachment to their neighbors, helpers and tradesmen was my yardstick for love of Place. Mixed somehow with my own emotional body-memory of the Chattahoochee River tugging at my calves and knees as I battled a trophy fish, this deep, inchoate loss of self in a slice of life and time seemed the most valuable of all experiences.... And therefore they became the nexus that leant meaning to oaths taken on holy books ...." To protect and defend from all enemies, foreign and domestic..."
Seen this way, love of a piece of the earth whether ephemeral as a creek or robust as a continent seems less likely to be pantomimed or faked for fame or profit.
Therefore, I have laboriously, set the stage for one New Year's resolution that may actually be a life-saving decision in 2017.
Resolved : As a "Deplorable" and as an "Irrelevant Hobbit" I will support any effort by any public figure more interested in the integrity of the boundaries set out in my property
deeds as well as in the integrity of the national borders that are supposed to protect all of our persons and property against Scofflaw invaders, criminals and terrorists.
Great Britain's dramatic decision to withdraw from the crooked, wasteful and blind European Union was just the beginning of a worldwide awakening to a creeping encroachment of delusion and dilution of national identities, and therefore a vacuum of physical protection for citizens and their property everywhere.
We have been slumbering, not just in America, but everywhere, while people who hate our government as it is now constituted, our beliefs as they are reflected in legal documents and faiths.
Time will tell whether our brink- view of the consuming inferno has girded us with the monumental resolve that will be necessary to follow through in coming years to construct new guards against the ravening maw of global gluttony greed and envy.
Your resolution will count.
Monday, December 19, 2016
(A view of the earthly landscape from our Yule Window is cluttered with visions of snarky elementary school administrators tearing down posters of Sparky Schulz' Peanuts spokesman Linus with his scrawny, skeletonic Christmas tree PLUS college deans suspending flash choirs for singing White Christmas,, a seasonal ditty composed by a Jew who Loved the season the way Ben Stein loves it today. Our rebuttal to these Luddite Philistines will be respectful and proper. See Below.)
Sonnet to Jesus on His Birthday
By Edna St. Vincent Millay
For this your mother sweated in the cold,
For this you bled upon the bitter tree:
A yard of tinsel ribbon bought and sold;
A paper wreath; a day at home for me.
The merry bells ring out, the people kneel;
Up goes the man of God before the crowd;
With voice of honey and with eyes of steel
He drones your humble gospel to the proud.
Nobody listens. Less than the wind that blows
Are all your words to us you died to save.
O Prince of Peace! O Sharon's dewy Rose!
How mute you lie within your vaulted grave.
The stone the angel rolled away with tears
Is back upon your mouth these thousand years.
Wednesday, December 07, 2016
I found agreeable, and common ground with the late ultra-liberal senator from Massachusetts, Edward (Ted) Kennedy in his bitter intolerance of "wind turbines".
He was willing to use billions in taxpayer funds to subsidize the production and dispersion of the ugly, bird-killing behe moths with voices approaching the sound of a thousand fingernails on slate blackboard. But he took legal action to prevent the installation of any wind- farms (as collections of these machines are branded) anywhere within mortar range of his Cape Cod estate-cum-compound.
Just this week a report fought its way onto the Internet (having been eschewed by the mainstream media, naturally) that reduces whatever argument there is about wind turbines and wind farms to some very simple figures.
One single installation of the modern windmill cost Port Angeles, CA citizens $100,000, give or take a few shekels.The net production of electrical energy produced by the Port Angeles installation of these things amounts to $1.39 a day (about $40 monthly).For complete report on this divination GO HERE !
These 21st-century windmills, designed for a sleek appearance, alas, fail to make anyone's heart skip a beat the way a design connoisseur's should.In addition to that, all sorts of birds-- especially seabirds when the "farms" are stuck out on a priceless virgin beach dune-- attract hundreds of avian species and kill thousands of the hapless flyers, many of them nearly extinct and protected by federal Law.
All this was promulgated (not invented) to get into Uncle Sam's amd other "Gubmint" purses with the fraudulent claim that these infernal machines would help fight (nonexistent) global warming by slowing the use of coal and petroleum products to generate electricity for homes.
This hoax, perpetrated by a worldwide dearth of scientific knowledge, will haunt educated citizens of the world as long as the world is here.Warmists started out with a UN pronouncement that 97% of the scientists on earth agreed that man-made global warming is dooming civilization. They called it "settled science".
Well, any true scientist will tell you right off the bat that the word science MEANS attacking every new theory including one's own and especially those of the so-called "experts". This is not just a matter of opinion but is actually the nuts and bolts and guts and lights of scientific inquiry.
But beginning sometime in the early 1990's, seizing on opportunity to destroy coal producers and petroleum industrialists, scheming at the same time to bilk trillions in treasure from both the porest as well as the richest nations, a cabal of wildeyed and foamy-mouthed zealots like the Wobblies and Syndivalist anarchists of the 1917-1920 era, built their scary charts and videos suporting the Chimera of "warming".
One amazing fact that has never been divulged in mass communication other than by Internet sites like "Watts" is that about a third of that "97% scientists" are writers, some not out of cllege and a huge chunkk of them undergraduates and pre-doctorals who were incestuouly ignorant as to what is "climate" and what is "weather" . They survived academically and physically on "grants"
When the Brit poseurs were caught making up figures for their I PCC "report" in a scandal that is recalled as "Climate gate" the whole movement miraculously stopped using the phrase "anthropogenic global warming" and switched over to "climate change". It was a major tipoff that none of the newspapers except the New York Post and the London Telegraph recognized.
Now, it's been 17 or 18 years since any change in global temperatures has been confirmed. Both icecaps are growing. The GW marketeers violently claim the two decade stretch of level or lowering temperatures recorded is a "PAUSE". and that those who,like Lord Monkton, James Delingpole who strip the "warming" emperor naked, are just "deniers".
But now that its former hydrophobic representative J. Hansen has been relegated to the role of a lowly adjunct professor at Columbia, NASA is making noises that sounds suspiciously like their diet now is Crow.
Who knows but that a pragmatic national administration may ask for more than doctrinaire collectivist rubrics from the "climate" bureaucracy and its lobbyists ?
My money is on common sense. Even a broken clock and the Farmer's Almanac are more accurate than what we've been getting from these well-funded harlots.
Probably the first to go will be mass subsidies of the profitless, noisy bird killer boondoggle.
Sunday, November 27, 2016
As usual, having wept at JFK’s Warm Springs announcement of his candidacy for president in the summer of 1960 when I was 35… and having done the same thing on November 23, 1963 when he was assassinated, I am almost paralyzed by the knee-jerk lamentations of the left wing at the death of Fidel Castro.
For in truth they whine in Solidarity with Kennedy’s assassin Lee Harvey Oswald who once strutted around the Kremlin, and just a few days before he pulled that Carcano rifle’s trigger, exhorted Louisiana Cajuns to give Castro “ Fairplay” and consorted with Cuban and Russian Communists in Mexico City.
You may excuse Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau because he is too young to remember and too stupid to understand, but Pope Francis, and Democrat party leaders and muddleheaded espn dunces should be sent to reeducation camps…. like the ones used by their beloved Bl;oody Fidel, the last head of state I know of who used Stalinesque firing squads to smoothe out disagreements, inspiring the flight of his sister Juanita to the US for safety.
It is “ piling on” to add that the “ usual suspects” in American “ journalism” most notably represented by CNN’s Christiana Amnapour, of greatly responsible for the protective covering stretched over Fidel’s wasting frame for the past five decades.
But as Lee Harvey Oswald demonstrated in murdering Pres. Kennedy and officer Tippit that day, worshiping Fidel can be a very bloody business. And that will be more.
Saturday, November 19, 2016
It is really
mind-boggling to see the United
States Department of Defense refuse permission for their string band to appear at a Memphis Christmas
celebration based on “ politically correct”
theory that was invented as an inside joke by the International
communist movement (Comintern).
it happened Thursday
of us who actually lived in the 1930s
when Communists were everywhere
in America and did not need to veil their activities with
fake mottos and pseudonyms, they openly couched their printed code phrases as “ jokes”
such as:
! our next project will be
to wreck religion ( the opiate of the masses) by banning
the book of common prayer and
confessionals”. OP: “ Have you heard comrade, that we will promulgate laws to
end profits and communize all property exchange
became a password in interstate conspiracy recognition in this sort of colloquy
! Your premise is factually incorrect !"
So here is Todd Starnes, a solid and ethical journalist who made his rep on Fox news radio. He organizes a big Christmas extravaganza every year in Memphis . He thought that this huge audience would respond positively and excitedly to an appearance by the United States Army string band, which is made up of four different guitars, a banjo and a mandolin. Starnes felt their freshness and unique sound would captivate everyone and bring deserved recognition to the sextet.
He was shocked when the Pentagon sent him a terse note declining to allow participation by the string band in his celebration because “ investigation has revealed it is a religious event” with involvement prohibited by Pentagon rules and regulations.
In seeking advice, Starnes went to his friend, former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee ( no small shakes of a string-picker himself). Gov. Huckabee said he knew of no law that would prevent a U.S. Army musician from playing holiday music, even if it were in a church.
Now, actually, what we have here is
the Department of Defense banning
its musicians from playing “Jingle Bells” !
the cultural "Halfway House" of the
Blues, and many thousands of
Christmas celebrants will be deprived of the delicious sounds of the six U.S. Army musical specialists this
But all bets are off for Christmas 20 17,
because as another picker, Bob
Dylan said, “ Somethin’s Blowin' on The
Wind” !
this storm is thoroughly inimical to
political correctness….PARTICULARLY in
our military.
That is what all those red counties in Ohio, Iowa, Wisconsin,
Pennsylvania, Indiana, the
Dakotas and the Southeast are all about..
They not only do not talk PeeCee
in Keokuk and Racine. They don’t want their boys and girls in uniform
to talk it either.
Banditos !!
Bill Allen
In A Fading Corrupt Culture, Truth-elling is INSURRECTION !!!!
In A Fading Corrupt Culture, Truth-elling is INSURRECTION !!!!
Bill Allen
In A Fading Corrupt Culture, Truth-elling is INSURRECTION !!!!
In A Fading Corrupt Culture, Truth-elling is INSURRECTION !!!!
Sunday, November 13, 2016
Since our old ultraliberal friend from Eastern Oklahoma went to the True World, we don't have a single acquaintance who subscribes to the New York Times, but it is difficult to absent oneself from the spiral of this fading fishwrapper.
On Sunday, poor "Pinch" Sulzberger wrote an open letter to all his staff and to all his paper's dwindling readership, purportedly to cry havoc and mea culpa at the same time while not crying mea culpa and all. He is NYT publisher.
In his condescending, snotty, triple speak opus, the publisher of the Old Spayed Lady promised that everyone on the Times "will reflect and rededicate the paper to reporting the news honestly..."
He then went on to say that his shameless sheet had reported every bit of the just completed 2016 presidential election "without bias".
This debasing burble came after his former star reporter Michael Goodwin, the magazine Vanity Fair and his own "public editor" (ombudsman) had called him on the carpet to shame him and command him to clean up the once- proud voice of probity, now deteriorated into a hoarse mumbling of warped and twisted political Bullspit.
But as noted above, what used to be a beacon of journalism now resembles a very dead fish following inevitable natural path, rotting from "the Head" downward.
There is no excitement left, because the momentum of boycott and reader-disaffection will take their enormous toll.
There is, of course, the exciting possibility that the multibillionaire Mexican investor, Carlos Slim, the Times' major stockholder could move the crippled and despoiled Queen of print to some new location south of the Rio Grande. Would he DARE ?
It would be funnier than Back to the Future or Blazing Saddles to see Tommy Friedman, Paul Krugman, Maureen Dowd and a lesser cast of thousands operating from a hacienda in the neighborhood of Popocatapetl eruptions.
Viva Los Tiempos !!!
Wednesday, November 09, 2016
Every time FDR ran for president, he was vilified and branded as everything from a lightweight upper-class snob to an ogre rotting away, debilitated by sexually-transmitted disease with paresis in his immediate future.
Harry Truman was attacked by the left-leaning as well as the wild right wing isolationists as a crooked small time machine politician promoted by a mob in Kansas City.
Gen. Dwight David Eisenhower was called "bubble-head" and even a "communist conspirator" by Sen. Joseph McCarthy and his friends in the media-- and they were of not inconsiderable number.
JFK was, of course, a stealth "Papist" hell-bent to deliver a precious United States into the hands of the Pope and the Vatican College of Cardinals. Such was the dirty-trick sewage effluent point out by Richard Nixon and his friends in print radio and TV in 1960.
Ronald Wilson Reagan was called "an amiable dunce" by Massachusetts' Tip O'Neill, then speaker of the House..And described by Jimmy Carter's nasty media machine as "a 'B'-film actor who got billing lower than an Ape in his best motion picture.
So having experienced all this, I was not surprised at the callous and libelous savagery visited on Donald J Trump during the campaign that ended last night with his victory over virtually all the print and television media--- both executives and corrupt hirelings.
The extent of it was only surpassed by the collective yawns of the majority of the American electorate. The view held here is that the dismissive nature of the attacks and lies from the rabid bitches and lapdogs of corruption served only to empower and magnify the resolve of the "little guy-and-gal" to flip off and spit in the face of journalists niversally and whole-hog.
It is amazing how many of these arbiters of information have never heard of the nasty reactions to media hubris in past years.
Earlier this year, citizens in Great Britain voted overwhelmingly to leave the European Union and a rather impudent but wholehearted decry of globalism and a harbinger of the return of border sanctity and national honor. The Donald sniffed that spoor on the wind and transmogrifid it into a massive defeat for the elite "establishment" Uniparty that has been crippling America with open borders and spineless, subservient trade surrenders.
Many of us were not surprised, and therefore not particularly stricken dumb by Trump's victory over a very poor candidate who "stood for" many many things she did not--- DARED not--- articulate.
Rather than something so shocking it makes one vomit, the capture by Donald Trump of the presidency is actually nothing out of the ordinary for a free, robust citizenry / electorate. It is what a Republic is all about.
As well as honest and efficient border control, protection from insidious Islamic slaughterers infiltrating an army into our country, this election was about saving the Supreme Court of the United States from the abyss and restoring respect for the Constitution and its bill of rights to the executive branch of our government... And, yes, that means the Attorney General and the Justice Department.
The slovenly purveyors of offal in the media have no idea that the black and brown as well as the white citizens of the United States are informed on such arcane matters.
But the eternal truth is where individual liberty and personal freedom are concerned, every American citizen has a raw, scabless running sore and the ineradicable power of the ballot... A palliative that can erase evil and restore the system to robust vigor.
This is a Spiritual time, and therefore a Teaching time for old and young alike. Because it is axiomatic that to be teachable is to be Spiritual-- and vice versa.
Carpe Diem.
Monday, October 31, 2016
A tableau of CNN's Wolf Blitzer whining that he and his younger reporters are being disrespected and "picked-on" by political followers of Donald Trump and pleading with campaign overseers to protect journalists from falsehoods and threats is just so beautiful that we can hardly stand it !
As a matter of fact, a brief and cursory recall of the behavior of Blitzer's alleged news
conduit for the past year and a half should actually provoke more genuine belly laughs than a replay of the last great ventriloquist-and-dummy act.
When every arm of print and TV media has not just bent, but broken faith with people who pay their bills, and done so to such an extent that their practices have begun to provoke giggles between camera operators and citizens, it is really some sort of
tour de coup to hear one of the prominent dissemblers begging someone not to "hurt his feelings !"
Hurt feelings ??!! Let's apprise poor Blitzer and all his ilk that it is a foundation of psychological thought that no one can "get his/her feelings hurt without participating. That is by giving tacit permission and encouragement.
These label-lovers had an 18 month feeding frenzy in which they have twisted jokes into life-threatening "dark" speech and exhibited more craftsmanship in labeling opponents of the Clinton Cash- and-Catastrophe machine as "Hitlers", "beasts", "monsters" and "clowns".
Now they cry foul when someone sees through their transparent evil intent and nails them with facts.
They want a sharp lady , Kellyanne Conway, to stop an increasing horde of American citizens from yelling truth and powerful opinion in their faces.
Having been willing conspirator in the staging and filming of "violence" at the political rallies of their hated target, these incompetent and sometimes illiterate pseudo-journalists now want the target of their animus to silence criticism engulfing them from everywhere.
It is to chortle if not to vomit.
The story of the media with "hurt feelings" is H E R E.
Maybe what these subversive skewers of fact need is the lesson they are getting from a constitutionally protected free people.
From nine decades of life, I can dredge up a vision of Al Jolson.
You are familiar with the fact that the big star performer always is second-last on the theater bill. Once upon a time, Enrico Caruso, who was probably greater in every way than Luciano Pavarotti, did his thing with the Pagliacchi aria, and a couple of curtain calls during which strong grown men cried and women sighed. When it was over, there was no
rustling in the proscenium. Maybe there were a couple of silent "beats" before Jolson marched to center stage from the wings. In his inimitable embrace of everyone in the audience with an inspired pose of both arms extended in love, in a voice heard at the farthest reach of the theater:
"You ain't heard nuthin' yet !" Then he delivered... In Spades, as we old-timers are wont to say.
I hope that's what Kellyanne Conway told CNN's pygmy Blitzer.
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
The global press missed another chance to change derogatory opinions held by Joe Sixpack and Georgia Spelvin on Wednesday when Israeli press announced the discovery and confirmation-of-age of a scrap of papyrus.
There were Hebrew script characters on the papyrus that spoke about Jerusalem. They papyrus was critically dated by comparisons and by carbon-14 isotopic method to the seventh century B.C.E. (That's an anti-Jesus PeeCee construction for what what we fossils were taught was "B.C."
What is so exciting to Jews and Christians is that this puts Jerusalem, and by extension, the Temple Mount, in proprietary status for the Jews 1300 years before the visions and nightmares of Mohammed's whisperings from the Angel.
The anchor for the continuing bloody conflict in the Middle East hinges on the claims by Islamic Palestinians that they have as much historic "right" to Jerusalem and the Temple
Mount by right of "co-occupation".
The fact that the Jews were literate and recording their payment of taxes and acknowledging receipt of purchased goods more than 1200 years before Mohammed was born is more important than the fact that Mohammed was illiterate, and had to hire two Jews in 622 (A.D. / C.E.) to keep accounts on his wife's caravans' activities.
If you want more particulars on this story, go H E R E
It is very probable that it will be at least 1300 more years before the Associated Press, the New York Times, the Washington Post or any of the "old" TV networks copy this story.
They all are sycophants who kiss the ring of the United Nations' anti-Jew, anti-Christian hierarchy.
We, however, can rejoice that the retromingent beasts who are threatening all of civilization nowadays may burrow down into their individual Hells and devour their own entrails in frothing rage.... At the truth, finally made available to all the earth.
Tuesday, October 18, 2016
Certainly it is a more than twice told tale that columnists and journalists who do not follow the dictates of the overbearing left wing Zeitgeist, are referred to as "conservative" or ." Arch-conservative", depending on how scared the socialists are of their writings.
But we never hear Chuck Todd or Wolf Blitzer or Rachel Maddow referred to as "Liberal" or "Far-Left" media stars.
Therefore it is with great joy that we say we always listen to what Patrick Buchanan says because he was a follower of the great James Jackson Kilpatrick, the joyful wordsmith hero and warrior in the William F Buckley-led modern conservative movement that began in about 1950 and came to fruition with the election of Ronald Reagan in 1980.
For, in truth, Buchanan never cavils. Like Edmund Burke, James Burnham, F.A. Hayek, Milton Friedman and the "re-born" Sidney Hook and Arthur Koestler-- Pat Buchanan is never likely to be gently parsing his opinions. They are all right, and they echo from his soul.
So, when asked Tuesday morning if it is "possible" to "rig" a national election with fraudulent ballots, his reply called up the image of another powerful conservative activist.
"You Betcha !" Buchanan answered.
We were struck by the abrupt and honest statement on our situation, but we assumed that would be the last we heard of it.
But a relentless browsing pattern, followed every morning, brought what we must admit was a shocking validation of Saint Pat's insoucisnt declaration. It was something I never thought I would see in print.
A super conscientious former U.S. Justice Department official with decades of experience in voting issues made this statement about an hour after I saw the "You Betcha" piece:
J. Christian Adams says that he has identified 4 million dead people on the voting rolls for the November 8 election, and he has apparently only been vacuuming in a few states.
As far back as 2012, the sacrosanct Pew Reserch Council said 1.8 million fraudulent voters were on the rolls. Now, in just four years, the numbert has grown to four million.
Adams, who served as voting expert in the DoJ, has initiated six suits in Broward County, Florida (Ft. Lauderdaie) and in Pennsylvania, to remove ead and ineligible voters from poll lists.
He said he isolated one voter in Texas who had been dead snce 1942.
Those of you who want more detailed information about this situation can "Google" either J. Christian Adams' name or "Pew Research-Vote Fraud".
Even though the present administration and its DoJ have taken a "hands off" policy and adopted blindness , sightless, noiseless attitude in this matter, like the three Chinese monkeys, We are going to contact our congressperson and two senators.
In an election year, it couldn't hurt. This won't go away. It is a very nasty, stinking Brontasaurus in the foyer.
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
In Philadelphia, a 50-year-old Rhodes Scholar, graduate of West Point, Oxford University (MA and Ph.D) lecturer at Annapolis ad headmaster of a "Main Line" boys school is being keel-hauled in Orwellian overkill because he forcibly confiscated marijuana and a cell phone from his own son.
Mourn for the death of Discipline.
Here is the perfectly crafted story---a gem of unbiased journalism, incidentally. Think on it.
by Mari A. Schaefer, Staff Writer, THE NEWS
The Haverford School's headmaster has been placed on leave after being charged with simple assault stemming from an alleged altercation with his son after finding marijauna in his backpack.
John A. Nagl, 50, of Haverford, was arrested by Haverford Police on Monday, arraigned, and released on $30,000 unsecured bail.
William C. Yoh, Haverford School's board chairman, said in a letter on the Main Line institution's website that the charge resulted from a "deeply personal family matter" involving Nagl.
"We realize the serious concerns this charge raises in our community and have dedicated resources toward assessing the situation in its entirety, both fairly and deliberately," Yoh said.
According to police records, Nagl got into an alleged altercation with his son after finding marijuana in his backpack.
Nagl confiscated the drugs and his son’s cell phone as punishment but later found the phone was missing when he went to show his estranged wife the drugs. He confronted his son who refused to turn over the phone. Nagl then physically took the phone from his son's hands and walked away when the son “re-engaged” in an altercation, according to court documents.
Nagl told police he put his son in a choke hold to end the fight. The son then called police who observed a visible red mark on his chest. The son told police he threw away the marijuana. He said his father “nearly choked him unconscious to where he felt ‘lightheaded’ and had a little trouble breathing,” according to court documents.
Simple assault in this case is a third-degree misdemeanor punishable by up to one year in prison.
Yoh said Nagl had been placed on administrative leave.
Assistant Headmaster Mark Thorburn was appointed acting headmaster at the boys' school, Yoh said.
Nagl is a 1988 graduate of the United States Military Academy. He earned master’s and doctoral degrees from Oxford University as a Rhodes Scholar. Nagl was the first Minerva Research Professor at the U.S. Naval Academy. He has also taught at West Point and Georgetown University.
Published: October 12, 2016 — 12:49 PM EDT | Updated: October 12, 2016 — 3:18 PM EDT
So it is entered into the annals of the Citadel where Freedom was born.
The Haverford School's headmaster has been placed on leave after being charged with simple assault stemming from an alleged altercation with his son after finding marijauna in his backpack.
John A. Nagl, 50, of Haverford, was arrested by Haverford Police on Monday, arraigned, and released on $30,000 unsecured bail.
William C. Yoh, Haverford School's board chairman, said in a letter on the Main Line institution's website that the charge resulted from a "deeply personal family matter" involving Nagl.
"We realize the serious concerns this charge raises in our community and have dedicated resources toward assessing the situation in its entirety, both fairly and deliberately," Yoh said.
According to police records, Nagl got into an alleged altercation with his son after finding marijuana in his backpack.
Nagl confiscated the drugs and his son’s cell phone as punishment but later found the phone was missing when he went to show his estranged wife the drugs. He confronted his son who refused to turn over the phone. Nagl then physically took the phone from his son's hands and walked away when the son “re-engaged” in an altercation, according to court documents.
Nagl told police he put his son in a choke hold to end the fight. The son then called police who observed a visible red mark on his chest. The son told police he threw away the marijuana. He said his father “nearly choked him unconscious to where he felt ‘lightheaded’ and had a little trouble breathing,” according to court documents.
Simple assault in this case is a third-degree misdemeanor punishable by up to one year in prison.
Yoh said Nagl had been placed on administrative leave.
Assistant Headmaster Mark Thorburn was appointed acting headmaster at the boys' school, Yoh said.
Nagl is a 1988 graduate of the United States Military Academy. He earned master’s and doctoral degrees from Oxford University as a Rhodes Scholar. Nagl was the first Minerva Research Professor at the U.S. Naval Academy. He has also taught at West Point and Georgetown University.
Published: October 12, 2016 — 12:49 PM EDT | Updated: October 12, 2016 — 3:18 PM EDT
If Nagl is such an ogre, why has he not been unmasked in a long comfortable career.
The "broken home" defense for the cop-calling brat is picky. Did he have mommy;s cell number ?
The reporter is fair. And fair under very trying circumstances, some would say.
Friday, October 07, 2016
My uncle Pat and a wonderful collection of
cogent analogies usually very colorful. My favorite one dealt with the
experience with which we muddle through the successes and feel- good times. It went like this:
"When you're plowin' that gassy old mule on a
July day and your sweat maked your hand slippery on the shares and the furrowes
slant away.. And you see all weeping willow beckoning from its springside haven, and the breeze from the
willow branches caresses your brow as you head for the spring.... You can be
sure that when you had your drink and you
head back to that pitiful smelly old mule, the breeze will almost stop... And it
will always be blowing up your backsides on the way !"
And so it is with our diverse, melded
civilized (??) Community in the United States.
Columbia University, diadem of the Ivy League,
sojourn of the literati, protector of still-all-woman Barnard College, jewel
of Manhattan and sometime tutor of our presidents...Yea, the bastion of liberal political philosophy
and activism has announced plans to lead us all back to:
In this strange playbook of community
organizers, activists Columbia will hold a "Retreat" for "persons of color" at Barnard and the total Columbia University
undergraduate population on November 11 next.
All transportation, lodging, food and
discussion material will be supplied free of charge to all
No white people will be allowed.
Thus, the academic entity that produced this
nations most dedicated abolitionists and freedom fighters, from Alexander
Hamilton to Barack Obama, will be the flagship that dares to lead its haughty followers, Princeton Harvard Yale
Cornell and Brown back into the fetid mine-filled savage sea-swirls of
race-separation Supremacy.
Well, we should have seen it coming. When the NAACP was founded, more than hal f the founders were WASPS. I remember Dr. Benjamin Mayes calling them "our courageous comrades."
But the NAACP and the BLM movements have
wandered into exclusionary territory... As any perusal of daily news will
plainly show. Apparently the bright lights of academia will not be outdone. This retreat beckons and entices Native
American Indians, and anyone of African and Asian extraction, all Latino /
Hispanic students and, of course, it abjures them to "announce their pronoun" on their application to
It sounds all very complicated and precious.
It will be interesting to see how all these young pointy heads filled with mush
respond to senseless segregated exclusionary and virulent hate.
Let's all keep an eye "out" and an ear to the
ground in mid-November. Back to the Future!
Sunday, September 25, 2016
Ol' Hickory's Seige
This will be a VERY “politically incorrect” screed, so if you’re picky about being offended by parallel truths and poking fun at the clueless, you might want to switch to a comic strip at
past week, an ancillary appendage of B.L.M. in New Orleans calling themselves
“Take-Em-Down- Nola” demonstrated with relative pacifism to support the rioters,
looters and arsonists in Charlotte North Carolina.
were armed only with “balloons” filled with red paint, with which they sought to
brand law enforcement officers, fences, churches and squad
Their prime target was the statue of President (General) Andrew
Jackson astride a rearing stallion in the square that bears his name in the
heart of the Crescent City.
protesters were led by various spokespersons who announced they were going to
protest and spill the red goo all over the city and all over the police and
their vehicles– and over the Jackson statue until “all the Civil War - connected
monuments are removed from the city, beginning with Old Hickory’s
So far as I see, no one on the timeless old Times Picayune has seized the opportunity to instruct the restless, evocative mob that Andy Jackson , heroic slayer of American Native Indians, and genius of the Battle of New Orleans which was fought long after the war of 1812 had been settled with a peace treaty, was dead 20 years before Citadel cadets fired on Fort Sumter !
As a
matter of fact, Jackson had a scar left by the sword of a British redcoat
officer whose boots the young firebrand refused to shine.
There are many icons of Saint Joan, (Maid of Orleans) in Nola.
She is said to have spanked a prostitute with her sword once upon a
Would the tormented complainers paint Jeanne
d'Arc red, also
Having spent many wonderful dining days and raucous nights in New
Orleans, and felt the pulse of the city, I thought that both whites and blacks
took some prideful interest in the multiracial history and nature of the city.
Both Louis Armstrong and George Washington Cable would be shocked at these Johnny-come-lately’s playing the “race oppression” card.
Both Louis Armstrong and George Washington Cable would be shocked at these Johnny-come-lately’s playing the “race oppression” card.
Especially mis-targeting a war of 1812 militarist who invented
American populism.
Cokie Roberts’ parents did more damage to African-Americans in
Louisiana than any general from any war. It’s quixotic that ignorance about
Gen. Jackson in the year 2016 is the direct result of the masses being stuck on
the Democrat party plantation of penury, as if they fought their way onto
politics is local and while mobs are unregulated, one individual with respect
and goodwill can invoke changes. We have seen him do it.
an individual might bring solid information as a weapon more effective than red
paint and misdirected hatred.
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